Green, Fuzzyish & Pebble


Active Member
I Had transplanted my plants today, And found something in the rootball I was worried about, Im unsure how to describe it. A light green, fuzzyish and kinda "pebble" texture look upclose, I tryed snapping some quick shots before actually planting it so I could get imput on what this was, is it a threat? I havent used any nutrients only superthrive. My friend used to work with plants alot and said probably not anything to worry about, its possibly just the soil. I had used a Miracle-Gro Seedling Starter Pro-Potting Mix, and was translating to a Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Pro-Potting Mix. Plant is Red Skunk Hair an about 20 days old from sproutage.

10Second Video

Note: Pictures are blurry =|



New Member
I'm not sure but I just started some seeds and 3 out of 4 sprouted... 2 of the pots have some tiny spots of fuzzy grey area that looks like tiny little bits of fur, and with the one that didn't sprout yet, there is fuzzy stuff on the actual seed. I'm worred about it though... wondering if its cuz the grow room is short and the water cant evaporate when i water it or something like that...