green/dry ratio

can anyone help me on the weight ratios? how many oz. or grams does it take to have 1 dried and cured oz.? some strains say up to 500 grams per plant or m2 as their yield, is that green or finished product? any help will be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
take between 50%-75% of your wet weight total that should be pretty close to your dry weight


more like eighty percent to seventy five percent, in my experience anyways, i usually figure 1/4 or 1/5 of what you call green,


i would say that the best bet is to figure on 80 percent loss then if it comes out to a higher number then what you calculated its all gravy


Active Member
If it's really dense, you may see about 60-75% loss, but you may see up to an 80% loss with fluffier stuff.

This is purely based on my experience with a limited number of strains, and may not be indicative of all strains, though.