green cfl


Well-Known Member
hi memeandsammy, ia your closet Temp low at night then and/or is this when you pwr down your grow light? did you mean the Green bulb some growers use so they can enter Growroom and work when lights off period??


New Member
im looking for a way to make sure she is warm at night when the lights are off havent had an issue yet but im looking ahead what are my options im thinking a green cfl would ad a few degrees i had a little heater in there and after a few days i was like shit there is a red light on the heater so i not be using that right now the room at night is bout 65-70 i dont want it to get any lower then that this is my first go around so of course i worry bout everything for my little girl sophia it is just a little coat closet


Active Member
Ya.. maybe one of those little 8 inch square (or so) electric heaters that blow air (vs glowing red elements) and tape over any lights?
put duct tape or paint over the red light, i bought a mini heater off of ebay for a grow awhile back and i had to do the same thing with the light


Well-Known Member
i was kinda under the impression They was some kinda Bulbs that Growers and Photographers use??

This is sort of Heater i'm gonna be getting soon, will be Cold out again thinking ahead

80w heater_FleaBay.jpg

This only uses 80w, might get the higher spec 1 or get 2?

once i've started looking into converting my Attic will be starting all over again..monitoring Temps/Humidity...

mind got lot to do first, cover the insulation,board it out and build framework, route the,fun,fun(apart from the Spiders..Lol)


Well-Known Member
being from the uk aswell, I`m sure it wont be long b4 u put the central heating on, that`ll take care of any chill worries, 65/70f (18/21c) is fine at night, don't worry. good luck and happy growing :-)


Well-Known Member
You can use a green cfl without causing any problems with the plant, I have used them in all my rooms for the last 4 years. Sometimes I forget them on and they stay one for day's at a time, still no issues. I don't know how much heat you will get from them though.