Grand AK Clone: Very first grow! No idea what im doing(sorta) [Rubbermaid Grow]


This is the very first grow I've ever done, but for the most part I know what to expect. Picked a brand new clone yesterday though, couldn't control my excitement:hump: but anyway, I picked her up from Elemental Wellness in SJ, transplanted her as soon as I got home, And threw her in my little ghetto Rubbermaid grow cab with a single cfl.Before I picked her up, I checked out the bottom of the plant, and the roots looked healthy and long,ready for its system to grow. I honestly forgot the wattage on the bulb(lol >.<) but im pretttty sure around 60. Just a guess. Anyway, feel free to leave any suggestions below, like I said I'm new, and any info would be a great help :weed: I plan on adding a couple fans, eventually another tub to extend the height, and way more lights. the soil being used is SuperSoil Potting mix. That's about all ive got for now, thanks for looking! Will be updating Soon!!!! QUICK QUESTION!! Does anyone know what a good watering cycle would be for her? thanks again!



I must've been high as fuck typing that lol. I now have two 25 watt CFL bulbs , and recently performed LST. Photos to come


Well-Known Member
nice setup the rubbermaid grows are so cool, as for watering just go with what the plant tells you, if her leaves start to droop then water :-) good luck


So being a noob at growing, I started my light schedule as 12/12. I figured out pretty late I should probably be doing about 18/6 :cry: so I went around 16 hours today, and will hopefully change the schedule next time I give it light. In the process, I think I fucked up:? The tips of the leaves are starting to curl back a little, and its concerning me a little bit. I also changed out the bulbs to new cfl's, and idk... maybe adding the second cfl in the light schedule did it? or im over-reacting?:confused: I haven't been adding any extra nutes by the way, I figured my soil might already have all that in it. Halp:idea:



So my plant is growing pretty quick, and im thinking im probably gonna have to add a second container to this to make some room. Any ideas on how I can make such a contraption? I would also prefer to make a carbon filter and seal everything off, cause in case you guys haven't noticed.... im kinda growing in my closet, hiding it from mommy and daddy hahahaha. any info will be appreciated:bigjoint: Thanks guys.


Active Member
Go to Walmart and buy a portable dresser for like 30$. The are basically a grow tent but not really. I used one I bought at a garage sale for 11$. Worked wonders. They come in a lot of sizes and you can just cut holes where you want filters and fans.

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Go to Walmart and buy a portable dresser for like 30$. The are basically a grow tent but not really. I used one I bought at a garage sale for 11$. Worked wonders. They come in a lot of sizes and you can just cut holes where you want filters and fans.

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Thanks Ham! I'll head over there and check everything out today.


Update!!!!!!!!!!!! so I think I figured out my problem with the leaves was just unwatering. watered it more then normal and she loved it:mrgreen: but anyway! so I added another Rubbermaid box on top to create more space, moved a fan inside, and attatched a fan with a diy carbon filter I made. Also, there is a new addition to the family:weed: my buddy picked up a purple kush clone and threw that in the box as well. Random question... in my conditions with my light fixtures being at the very top of the box, would ScrOG be a good idea, or possible at all? Feel free to leave any comments below. Grand AK is now at 20 days



Looks nice at day 20 man!

Also from what Ive read about micro grows ScrOGging is the easiest way to maximize yield in an orderly fashion, which lends itself to confined grow spaces. Not to mention the work it requires is little to none after you set the screen up which to me seems like a good idea with stealth/micro because trying to train a plant in tight spaces can lead to unfortunate mishaps.

My reading convinced me to ScrOG out my lil pc box

Ill keep my eye on this grow though, thinking of upgrading to rubbermaid for my next one!!! Best wishes


Looks nice at day 20 man!

Also from what Ive read about micro grows ScrOGging is the easiest way to maximize yield in an orderly fashion, which lends itself to confined grow spaces. Not to mention the work it requires is little to none after you set the screen up which to me seems like a good idea with stealth/micro because trying to train a plant in tight spaces can lead to unfortunate mishaps.

My reading convinced me to ScrOG out my lil pc box

Ill keep my eye on this grow though, thinking of upgrading to rubbermaid for my next one!!! Best wishes
Thanks for the info Kirk! I just gotta find out the best way for me to set it up and how to fit a screen in my tiny space. Thanks though, i'll research it a bit more and probably do it myself! Nice grow by the way. Maybe I should use a similar ScrOG method:leaf:


Another Update!!! Currently at 25 days of veg for my original Grand AK Clone, and im really not sure how old the other girl is haha but shes toughing through a recent shock:shock:(lol). I just started topping the AK and thinking I might start flower stage soon. For now, I want it grrroooooowww. The bigger the better. If I do decide to start flowering though, does anyone have an idea of how tall the plant will probably get? So far I haven't been adding nutes either... For the most part, I'm pretty positive the girls are satisfied with the nutes already in the soil. Anywho, feel free to leave any feedback or useful information! Here are some pics. Happy Growing:weed:[



Just found out its got some little white hairs starting to poke out near the nodes and its got a nice little dank smell to it :O It started flowering I think. Pics to come soon


Well-Known Member
If you are in the states, check out Craigslist free section. I have found most of cabs that way. People throw out ridiculous shit everyday, drives me crazy.

There are a couple of ways to stack tubs too. I started out this way, but I didn't even finish my 1st flower because of a Craigslist find.

Easiest would be to flip another upside down and put on top of your 1st Tub. Cut a hole for the exhaust in the top tub [not in the roof, necessarily, just the highest part along the side. Cut this exhaust hole opposite the hole for your intake in the bottom tub.

Drill or make a couple holes and hang a plug strip, then the lights can be adjustable. With y splitters you can hang at least 6 26w bulbs.

Harbor freight has longer plug strips that are cheap and would accomodate more y splitters and more lights if wanted.