Grammar skills.


I have been a member of this forum for about the past year. Most of the threads that are started are described in broken English and I sometimes have no idea what they are talking about and I can't help what I don't understand, or I get a response that is in text language that only that person can decipher. My hope is that this forum starts to encourage people to speak in complete sentences so that a meaningful dialogue can ensue. I am not advocating grammar nazis that belittle a person, but a response that brings attention to those who are having trouble writing the English language so that people can communicate more thoroughly. I only bring to the attention of others because lately I have seen some thread post and responses that I assume are made by retarded people (bless their hearts).
Your title is grammatically incorrect. Your post contains grammatical anomalies as well.

Ironic sarcasm aside- I used to have the same ideals. But if you learn to accept that people sometimes ignore grammar or are uneducated, you will find public forums more tolerable. You might even learn something.
I think you were looking to be trollish and didn't comprehend my post. Reread it, dude.
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i just don't understand what we as mods are supposed to do about bad grammar? ban a member who misspells three words? ban someone who uses you're instead of your, or there for their or they're? if we did nothing but go around and correct everyone's grammar, we'd never have time to take care of the important things on the site that need our attention..
not only that, but a lot of people who post here do so and english isn't their first language..
I once read a series of paragraphs. In one, the first and last letter of every word remained in place while the rest was jumbled. Another paragraph had random words switched get the idea
... was to see whether it was still legible and how hard you had to struggle. Most people read it perfectly fine, in fact many people didnt notice.
Like this YouTube video someone showed me and a gorilla did some shit but you don't notice....

Soooo my point being. Why do people complain about grammar? Can you really not understand what they were trying to say? If so, maybe its not their intelligence or grammar use that should be questioned.
You say he was looking to be trollish, I think these things warrant it..
Good day sir.
Yeah not much we can do about that I suggest simply help in threads you can understand sorry
i just don't understand what we as mods are supposed to do about bad grammar? ban a member who misspells three words? ban someone who uses you're instead of your, or there for their or they're? if we did nothing but go around and correct everyone's grammar, we'd never have time to take care of the important things on the site that need our attention..
not only that, but a lot of people who post here do so and english isn't their first language..

You are the only person who spoke of banning a person. I can't have a debate with you and what you make up inside your head. Google translate would fix anybodies problem with English. Raising the bar is the only thing I spoke of.
I once read a series of paragraphs. In one, the first and last letter of every word remained in place while the rest was jumbled. Another paragraph had random words switched get the idea
... was to see whether it was still legible and how hard you had to struggle. Most people read it perfectly fine, in fact many people didnt notice.
Like this YouTube video someone showed me and a gorilla did some shit but you don't notice....

Soooo my point being. Why do people complain about grammar? Can you really not understand what they were trying to say? If so, maybe its not their intelligence or grammar use that should be questioned.
You say he was looking to be trollish, I think these things warrant it..
Good day sir.

I feel like I live in a sea of retarded people on a daily basis. Some of these are college educated retards. The bar is set so that everyone can slither over it.

You also warrant being a troll, nice.
So what is the solution? Force those with poor grammar skills to take classes? Send a translator to their home to input their questions for them? Ban them from the internet? Not going to happen. If you can't understand someone, just tell them you can't understand them. They can fix the problem, or not. There are posts I have ignored because they were unintelligible. Their problem doesn't become mine. Not letting other people's problems effect you will make your life less stressful.
I have been a member of this forum for about the past year. Most of the threads that are started are described in broken English and I sometimes have no idea what they are talking about and I can't help what I don't understand, or I get a response that is in text language that only that person can decipher. My hope is that this forum starts to encourage people to speak in complete sentences so that a meaningful dialogue can ensue. I am not advocating grammar nazis that belittle a person, but a response that brings attention to those who are having trouble writing the English language so that people can communicate more thoroughly. I only bring to the attention of others because lately I have seen some thread post and responses that I assume are made by retarded people (bless their hearts).
I totally agree, I'm on other sites too, not english, and once I return here...its like the IQ drops 10 fold English is a challenge in any case, Google Translator is burning hot on this site ...and often fucks up, but really you have to ask why do nth americans speak english anyway...? should it not be spanish? as their behavior is so similar to what most would see as latin social customs to that of low class english coal miners
But fear not, do understand that cannabis in most occasion's is used as a medicine, and hence many of the users are in dire need of this drug, as many are dysfunctional ADHD patients whether they know it or not
You are the only person who spoke of banning a person. I can't have a debate with you and what you make up inside your head. Google translate would fix anybodies problem with English. Raising the bar is the only thing I spoke of.
What it comes down is we are one of the largest marijuana growing websites and free to use for anyone there's not much we can do about people's spelling sorry
Lazy writers are likely lazy researchers and lazy growers. It is hard to engage in scientific debates with folks who believe Wikipedia is a source and can't or wont attempt to use acceptable language including terms or know how to cite a source. Nobody is asking anybody especially any Mod to police.the forum for grammar or spelling. We all make mistakes, this was just a call for common courtesy when asking advice from those of us that are actually educated in the sciences.
Lazy writers are likely lazy researchers and lazy growers. It is hard to engage in scientific debates with folks who believe Wikipedia is a source and can't or wont attempt to use acceptable language including terms or know how to cite a source. Nobody is asking anybody especially any Mod to police.the forum for grammar or spelling. We all make mistakes, this was just a call for common courtesy when asking advice from those of us that are actually educated in the sciences.

Someone needs a lesson in run-on sentences.
Doctors write like shit.
they do alright.
Dure they get punctuation n spelling but it means jack shit because only a pharmacist can eventually read it.
Wife is a nurse
Lazy writers are likely lazy researchers and lazy growers. It is hard to engage in scientific debates with folks who believe Wikipedia is a source and can't or wont attempt to use acceptable language including terms or know how to cite a source. Nobody is asking anybody especially any Mod to police.the forum for grammar or spelling. We all make mistakes, this was just a call for common courtesy when asking advice from those of us that are actually educated in the sciences.
Wikipedia has sources at the bottom of every entry. Hope that helps.