Got Some Bomb Sour Diesel Best Way To Smoke?


Im tired of smoking blunts and i only have a (1) gram and i wanna know best way to smoke get massive hits i have a pipe and we have smoked blunts anything new out there i dont have a vape and i dont have a bong somthing i could make would be awesome ive thought of a gravity bong i have a bucket and that but too complicated and i always blow the weed in the water lol... many thanks yall:eyesmoke:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Just smoke small bowls in your pipe then, make them JUST big enough to cash in one hit.. just keep packing that thing... keep the flame off the bud if you can, just roast it with heat til it catches fire...

about the 'best' way with just a bowl...

look into vapes or bongs though... way better imo.. at least if you like to enjoy good weed.