Well-Known Member
I went to water yesterday and the end of one branch was nibbled off. I looked around and there were two or three more tops missing. I show up today and HALF THE PLANT IS GONE. Litteraly half the fucking plant! SHHHITTT!!!! I put bone meal as a top dress about a week ago and think that is attracting the varmints. I'm sure its rats. There are droppings all around and I see them in the surrounding shrubs all the time. Now this is a guerilla grow up in the local hills so I can't be there as often as I'd like. I want to go buy 50lbs of cyanide and put it everywhere on the hill have a fucking rat genocide up there. "Eat my baby girl motherfucker?" Anyone have any suggestions? Iv'e got four more plants up there and dont want to lose anymore than I have already. But I would prefer not to use any serious poisons because there are a lot of HAWKS and other predatory birds flyin about, and don't want them eating tainted rat if I can avoid it. Please help! My babies are being eaten alive.