got pics and just a quick question


Well I had a great outdoor grow gowing and mother natuer was doing her thing. My 4 girls started to flower about 4 weeks ago well 1 started about a week or so earlier. So anyway 3 of the 4 got stolen out of my backyard, inside job we think, and luckily I was bringin my prettiest girl in at night on a 12/12. So now of course I am finshing her off in my closet I have some pics to post. So all I have rite now is 2 23w CFLs, 1 13w CFL, 1 32w CFL, and I have a 36 inch Grow light 75w that either can be hung up or screwed to the wall. I'm into my 6th week of flowering, my buds are getting bigger and smelling very strong with white and purple hairs coming out of them. My plant is prob only 2ft tall and only has like 5 tops it was the smallest plant that's why it didn't get :finger: but its the best one we had as far as quality I just had bag seeds. So do u guys think that I have enough light for my lil plant in my 4 by 4 closet? Also I was thinking of switching the days to night and night to days so I would either have to keep it dark for 22-24 hrs. Would tht hurt her or should I just keep it how it is. And any other suggestions id love to have thx guys this is my first grow so wish me luck and happy growing to all. Also how long do you think before harvest and I'm gonna take some newer pics cuz she's gotten even bigger so the lights seem to be working and also how do I MAKE sure she don't turn he/she on me. I heard of plants turnin into hermes?



From your own backyard! That's just wrong. When you grow out in the woods someplace and someone rips your crop that's one thing
but from your own yard well that is low.They will stress a little going from inside to outside but they should be fine. Good luck


Well-Known Member
You need more light. A lot more or your buds will be popcorners. She looks good now. Your lights will only supply her the minimum she needs at this stage. Like the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman compared to one who is not. The plant needs a certain amount (light, water, nutrients) just to stay alive in good shape. Do NOT try to make up for a shortage in lighting by overfeeding nutrients. Get a minimum of 2 55-watt CFLs in bowl reflectors. 55 TRUE watts.


Well-Known Member
if people stole some from your backyard and they left some and you bring the ones they left inside.. be prepared for people knowing you have plants in your house.. lock up tight.