Got fined 400 Dollars ^^


Well-Known Member
Well as you guy's know i had a little fight ( lol killed him ) with this dude's dad..

Today I get a call, saying i have to go to prison or 400 Francs Fine...

50 : 400 = 8 DAYS PRISON :D

So i went over to the Police station to pay the money ( wich i didnt ) Because now i have a made a complaint against the farther for helping he's son steal my girls bike thats over 1200 francs... The police told me they didnt know of this story.. I was like lol !!!!!!!!!! ^^

Yes, the farther came out grab'd me... so i just basicly, nearly dislocated he's arm and started punching he's face... ^^

then i took my girls bike... and told him to watch out, with an agressive maner ^^


The police are fine with this and are now discharging me from what has been said. Also these Albaniens here work illegaly so lets see them get out of this one :)

IM A BITCH !!!! :D:D:D WOOOT !!! I hope this gets in the newspapers ^^



Well-Known Member
not worth goin to jail my friend..

ive been in n out of prison for years and its only now that i realise that its not cool to jump about like a fanny.


Well-Known Member
;) well the charges have been drop'd the albanien has made one stupid move..

working illegal here .... I hope he gets what they had coming for em :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
not worth goin to jail my friend..

ive been in n out of prison for years and its only now that i realise that its not cool to jump about like a fanny.

thnx for your answer, yeah i when to prison aswell.... Was not worth it dude...

But i wont take shit from someone who actually started the fight... and then goes to the police... ? And hes working illegal anyway ^^ Cant believe he was so stupid


Well-Known Member
Im in the USA so maybe im just not fully informed but what is it with you & these Albanians,are these guy's monsters or some shit.


Well-Known Member
yeah they are tbh.

they come in groups of 80 !

albanians and the balkan country's are taking over, swiss cant defend themselves.. geting beat up aso.


Well-Known Member
I know an Albanian bloke he's a sound chap, what's with the hostility towards Albanians, are you a bigot?


Well-Known Member
No they dont beat me up..... They all think there gangsters..... ^^

rofl.... just cause problems all the time... No im not a bigot to albaniens.. its just like from balkan it seems the albaniens cause the most problems ! and its true !

Would like to show you what morons they are when they think there cool with there leased BMW's rofl.... and mercedes aso.

^^ ROFL....

nope im not a bigot. Just saying the Swiss are stupid for not standing up to them.

Anyway im not swiss im english ^^