Got caught by the boys


Active Member
So me and my friends always explore places in the Bay Area and outer lying areas. We decided to go to Fort Ord which is basically a neighborhood that used to be military housing and stuff and it is all fenced off. It is pretty much a city which is like empty, but not quite. So we broke in and fucked around in the neighborhood goin in the houses runnin wild all the good shit. Then we made our way to an abandoned warehouse and right when we are about to go in the cops come. We said we did not have anything illegal on us blah blah blah.Everything was all good but when they were standing in front of us takin our info. my pipe clanked up against my jar that I keep my bud in and I was like"fuck, they had to of heard that." The chick cop is like "What is in your pocket'?...Im like, "all sorts of stuff do you want me to take it out?" Cop, "yea". The shes like askin if I have a card and im like oh yea bitch show it to her she smells my weed hellla strong. I wanted to blaze it up right there cuz I did have a really bad migraine at the time. the other cop was like why did you say you didnt have anythin. I have always been told not to tell them you have shit until you ask. I would tell them if I have a scrip. for vicodion. It felt good...

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
It sounds more like trespassing...not so much a B&E considering it was abandoned government property and not an occupied home.

Sounds fun. Way to stick it to em'.


Well-Known Member
So me and my friends always explore places in the Bay Area and outer lying areas. We decided to go to Fort Ord which is basically a neighborhood that used to be military housing and stuff and it is all fenced off. It is pretty much a city which is like empty, but not quite. So we broke in and fucked around in the neighborhood goin in the houses runnin wild all the good shit. Then we made our way to an abandoned warehouse and right when we are about to go in the cops come. We said we did not have anything illegal on us blah blah blah.Everything was all good but when they were standing in front of us takin our info. my pip clanked up against my jar that I keep my bud in. The chick cop is like "What is in your pocket'?...Im like, "all sorts of stuff do you want me to take it out?" Cop, "yea". The shes like askin if I have a card and im like oh yea bitch show it to her she smells my weed hellla strong. I wanted to blaze it up right there cuz I did have a really bad migraine at the time. the other cop was like why did you say you didnt have anythin. I have always been told not to tell them you have shit until you ask. I would tell them if I have a scrip. for vicodion. It felt good...
dude, i have a friend that just moved to the bay area...what other cool shit is there to do around there...;-)


Lol that was always the best thing before I qualified for big boy jail. Trespassing on abandoned land that has a bunch of cool shit hahaha. Luckily back then I didn't smoke nor ever had anything on me. Funny story man haha good stuff.


Well-Known Member
That place sounds cool we got something like that in philly a big abandoned industrial park people play paintball and ride dirtbikes and shit back there but at night all the crack heads,dope fiends and hookers go down there.we walked back there and turned a corner and seen this crack head pounding the shit out of this bitch from behind once,it was the funniest/most fucked up thing ever he didn't even give a fuck he just kept going we just walked away laughing


New Member
When i was a kid, I used to ride my bike with my friends to this old, three story, abandoned textile plant.

We never destroyed anything, but we poked around a lot and probably could have done ourselves in pretty easy.

It is funny how kids make it through their late teens alive, isn't it?

How do you think the cops found out you were there?


Active Member
When i was a kid, I used to ride my bike with my friends to this old, three story, abandoned textile plant.

We never destroyed anything, but we poked around a lot and probably could have done ourselves in pretty easy.

It is funny how kids make it through their late teens alive, isn't it?

How do you think the cops found out you were there?
The cops said they were crusin by and saw my friends subaru sti and my friends bmw e30 chillin in this parking lot. And I think they saw my friend walk by as well.


Active Member
dude, i have a friend that just moved to the bay area...what other cool shit is there to do around there...;-)
Hey bro there is a place in fremont called "The secret sidewalk." Your friend might want to check it out with some people. It is kind of hard to get to but you can find it most likely. It is pretty creepy as people say it is haunted and what not. All you need to do is mapquest the old canyon rd and get there that way. Once you get to the area you will park along side this creek next to houses, get out and walk alongside the creek through the no tresspassing sign lol. Keep it chill cuz we got some evil looks from the people in the houses. Its all good tho. If you go at night you guys will probably get pretty scared Here are some directions that we used. I was born and raised in Fremont (Niles) California. I Still live here. I have climbed up to the sidewalk many times. To get there you take Old Canyon Road, to the right of the river, down to the dead end, where there is a gate marked San Francisco Water Dept - No Trespassing. Follow the gravel road for about 1/4 mile, then climb up the embankment to the right, over the train tracks, and up to a little hill with a trestle. There is a rope swing hanging from it. Climb up the left side of the trestle, and you will find the sidewalk. It is concrete, about 3-4 feet wide, and is hollow with rebar running through it. It has a galvanized pipe inside to carry water. The sidewalk is owned by the SF Water Dept, and I believe was used to carry water at one time. Once on top, it hugs the mountainside, you will walk for over a mile on top of it. It is very dangerous. Eventually the sidewalk curves to the left and reaches a cattle gate. You have to hold on to the gate and swing your body to the other side. Then as the sidewalk reaches a hill, it abruptly ends. There is a large meadow there, and I have attended more then one kegger party out there as a teen. The real mystery is how they manage to get a keg out there. If you jump off the sidewalk at the end and walk to the other side of the hill, it starts again, and winds through the canyon, however the brush is so thick it's very dangerous from that point on. The area is also known for having pot fields, so caution is needed lest a grower think you are out there to rip them off. I too have been out there and felt an uncomfortable feeling of someone, or something, watching me. It is pitch black at night. The only light at all comes from an old abandoned brick factory that's about a 1/2 mile away. I have not made the trip for about 10 years, but have recently thought about hiking out there with my son, which is why I searched the net for any information.


Active Member
dude, i have a friend that just moved to the bay area...what other cool shit is there to do around there...;-)
I forgot to say the sidewalk was this old cement enclosing for a water way that used to supply like Oakland and San Fran. I got a couple more places as well.


Well-Known Member
Up in antioch/pittsburg area(Kinda) Theres this lot of houses on the water,In middle of nowhere. And these houses are fucking huge. Theres about 7 in a row all of them are 4 storys and were listed from 1.5 - 2.5 mill. These houses are abanded, With NO SECURITY! they are also loaded with furniture,beds,lamps,tables,ELECTRICTY!. Its right on the delta. I can drive my friends jet ski right up to the back pourch with him in his boat behind me. Weve have run into the 5.0 also though but honestly they didnt really care. We asked how much they were listed for,why they were abanded(No more money)and a bunch of other shit and they just told us to leave. Anyways the started useing the security alarms so now we reall cant go in them. But boy was it cool. lol i LOVE exploring shit i havnt explored. ever been to the byron hotel?


Active Member
Up in antioch/pittsburg area(Kinda) Theres this lot of houses on the water,In middle of nowhere. And these houses are fucking huge. Theres about 7 in a row all of them are 4 storys and were listed from 1.5 - 2.5 mill. These houses are abanded, With NO SECURITY! they are also loaded with furniture,beds,lamps,tables,ELECTRICTY!. Its right on the delta. I can drive my friends jet ski right up to the back pourch with him in his boat behind me. Weve have run into the 5.0 also though but honestly they didnt really care. We asked how much they were listed for,why they were abanded(No more money)and a bunch of other shit and they just told us to leave. Anyways the started useing the security alarms so now we reall cant go in them. But boy was it cool. lol i LOVE exploring shit i havnt explored. ever been to the byron hotel?
Me and my friends explore alot of different places. We try not to trespass that much just cuz it gets you into trouble. Where is the Byron Hotel at?