got a Question about This plant food i got.


Active Member
hi i just bought some of this "expert Gardener Azalea camellia & rhododendron Plant food (10-8-6)

i was thinking if this would be good to feed my baby? maby start off at a low dose? or if anybody knows anything about this plant flood that would Really Help thanks again :leaf:


Active Member
while i use a renowned nutes, i think i am going to put some good old generic miricle grow on my two outdoor plants. i have seen super results in veg with its use. very lush and green plants. so i think nothing bad will happen with what u want to use. its all the same. just numbers a bit re-arranged. we tend to feed our plants TOO MUCH. not what we feed em. go to mandala seeds and read their grow reccomendations, as far as nutes, and how little to use. i was using fox farm. but recently went to canna vega, and flora nova. but yes. im going to do the miracle grow thing on the outdoor gals. just nothing the last few weeks, or even a month.


Active Member
ok sweet im glad hear that, What would you guys Recommend The does i use when i do tend to feed her? shes about 6 weeks into veg right now..

J and J

A picture of how big your plants are or a description would help.
This isn't hydro, is it?
I think I vegged in soil for 6 weeks and I upped the PPM to about 1100.
Start somewhere low like 300ppm's and go up slowly.


Active Member
Ohh im not growing in hydro this is growin in soil fox farms, and im sorry i dont know what 300ppm's means :p



J and J

Oh, poo'.
Most people don't use PPM (parts per million) meter, they just eyeball the nutes so you'll be fine.
Just go by the recommended amount on the box then add another scoop the next time you feed them and keep adding more and more nutes.
You'll see your plants react to the nutes in either a positive or negative way. If it's negative, lay off a little on the nutes.
I'm probably not much help because I'm on my first grow now, but I'm trying.


Active Member
oh well thanks for your advice but it doesnt really help me out as much, if anyone could guide me here that would be Great!

  • Hey sorry to but in but can i use G.E.T power to bloom 0-39-30 without using anyhing else with it? and can i still use bio canna flores? would really help me thank you
    im using soil mix thanks​

sorry pal, i just seen you was asking about plant food and thought some one could help, iv made a thread now, sorry dude. and if it helps 10-6-8 is good for veg stage but only for soil
dont use it for hydro. also i would recommend bio bizz organic its awesome and cheep, but if your using miracle grow 10-6-8 its still good but dont use a lot and id also recommend formulex it made mine massive in the first four weeks. the roots and foilage go crazy. hope it helped and sorry again

J and J


How didn't my comment help you out?
What are you asking for? An EXACT dosage?
I don't see how I could make this any simpler.
  1. Use recommended amount at first. (Let's say it's 1 TBS)
  2. Add another TBS/TPS the next time you feed them to increase the strength. (2 TBS)
  3. Repeat Step 2 each time until YOU, or the PLANTS, feel as if it's too much.
What do you need?


Active Member
this way u wont burn the poor things. like jand j says. go up from there. but im not a believer in force feeding, at least not yet....


Active Member
Im sorry im just new to this sorta thing man i dont wanna Over feed my baby, So ill use half of instead of going with 1Tbs, im growing her in 1 gal pot, and all i do is sprinkle it ontop of the soil right and water it down?


Active Member
Well im reading the box and it says to sprinkle around the plant 7-12'' from the stem/trunk and apply water, hmm can i dissolve it in water and do it that way too?