Got a new job offer

Got a new job offer, as the subject suggests, but this one's with the govi's. They have made no mention of a drug screen as of yet in their tentative offer or final offer. I accepted their final offer today. I negociated 33 days from now to my new start date. Gut tell's me they will test at start date but have made no mention of it as of yet. What do you all think, stop now or should I just keep smoking away to deprive the pain?


Yes, Im almost certain they will test you unless your work is for the government BUT contracted out to a private firm. Ive done several government projects over the years, and about 80% of the time I had to take a drug test. I just finished a big project on a military base and all our private contractors where subject to drug testing. If I were you I would just stop for about 2 1/2 weeks before you start your job just to be safe. If this isnt an option then buy a cleaner kit at a local head shop. Good luck!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
call hr and ask them if and when the physical would be required and where it would take place simple question ,that's when a UA will be taken
congrats on the job offer, TSA turned me down due to poor credit, lol.

Stop smoking now and forever if you take that job cause piss tests aren't just a one time thing.


Well-Known Member
dude i have a great job...and i smoke everyday. my work does random UA's but we either have to go to a clinic to do it, they give us one hour to get there, or they come on the job site and tell us all the line up even though that takes about 2 hours....i carry a bottle of urine luck with me in my takes an hour to heat up from room temperature and about 15 minutes to heat up from my vehicle...its 50 bucks and comes with a heat pack and a sticker thermometer on the 3oz plastic flask, and a rubber get the idea...heat it up, check temp, poor in cup, pass..everytime


Active Member
It may depend on what state your in,but in the state I live in all govt. jobs require a drug screening.but once your hired and pass the test thats it no more testing,Im sure if you get injured on the job and have to get medical attention the hospital will do a drug and alcohol screening,most times it is the insurence provider that requires it,this way if you come up hot the ins. co. will not pay the bill. good luck with the new job


Well-Known Member
.i carry a bottle of urine luck with me in my truck......its 50 bucks and comes with a heat pack and a sticker thermometer on the 3oz plastic flask, and a rubber get the idea...heat it up, check temp, poor in cup, pass..everytime
Let me get this right - you pay 50 bucks for a little bottle of piss? Don´t you have a non-toking friend who would oblige??


Well-Known Member
Let me get this right - you pay 50 bucks for a little bottle of piss? Don´t you have a non-toking friend who would oblige??
Its synthetic urine, guaranteed to pass if you do your part. Its what they calibrate the machines with that test real urine. I have purchased it before , it cost $35 and had 2 doses. $50 is nothing when your talking about keeping a $70,000 a year job.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have some friends that dont smoke...but like nodrama said its the difference in taking a risk and keeping my job...and real urine can be detected if it heats up and cools down ( like in a vehicle) this stuff wont.

Let me get this right - you pay 50 bucks for a little bottle of piss? Don´t you have a non-toking friend who would oblige??


Well-Known Member
Here is a list of things that can flag the test as a failure for drugs....Its a LONG list.

4-Way Nasal Spray - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Accutrim - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 11, 16, 18)
Acetaminoph w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Acet-AM - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Acro-Lase Plus® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
A.P.C. w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
A.R.M. - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Actifed - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 3, 7, 18)
Actifed with Codeine Cough Syrup® (Ref: 18)
Adderall® - is an amphetamine, positive for Meth (Ref: 2008 PDR, 18, 19)
Advil - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29) (Ref. 22 says NO)
Afrin - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Aleve - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Alka-Seltzer - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7)
Alka-Seltzer Plus - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Allerest - false positive for Amphetamines, Ecstasy, Meth and Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 16, 18)
Alprazolam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Amantadine (Ref: 32)
Ambenyl contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Amesec - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Amfepramone - false positive for Amphetamines, Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Amifepramone - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Amineptine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Amitriptyline - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Amogel PG® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Amoxicillin - false positive for cocaine (Ref: 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 26, 29)
Ampicillin - false positive for cocaine (Ref: 29)
Amphetaminil metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Ampicin - can cause false positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Anaprox - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 18)
Ansaid - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Anti Anxiety medication, most - false positive for benzodiazepines (Ref: 3)
Anti Inflammatories such as Naproxyn (Ref: 26)
Antiasthmatics that contain phenobarbitol - false positive for barbiturates (Ref: 3)
Antihistamines in general - false positives for Methadone (Ref: 43)
Antibiotics - false positives for Heroin, Cocaine (Ref: 13, 18, 20)
Antrocol Elixor® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Apo-Naproxen - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1)
Artane - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Ascriptin w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Aspirin with Codeine (Ref: 18)
Asthma medications - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 21)
Astramoprh PF ® contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Ativan® (lorazepam) contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Atripla - false positive for cannabinoid THC (Ref: 39)
B2 vitamin - false positive for THC (Ref: 21)
Bayer Select Maximum Strength Sinus Pain Relief Caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Bayer Select Pain Relief Formula - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Bentyl® - false positive for LSD , Methadone (Ref: 3, 18, 43)
Benylin - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Benzatropine/Artane® (Ref: 18)
Benzedrine® - Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Benzphetamine - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Biphetamine® for Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Black Pearls (Tung Sheuh pills) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Broncholate CS contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Bromocriptine/Parlodel® (Ref: 18)
Bromocription - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Bromphenlramlne - false-Positive for Amphetamine (Ref: 22)
Bronkaid - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates, Ecstasy, Meth (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 18)
Bronkotabs - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1, 11)
Buprenex® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Buprenorphine contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 12, 31, 32)
Cafergot® - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Caldecon - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7,)
Capital and Codeine Oral Solution - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3, 18)
Captagon® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Cathne - false positives for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (MDMA) (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Cheracol contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Cheracol Sinus - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Chinese herb pills contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Chlordiazepoxide contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Chiorpromazlne - False-Positive for Amphetamine (Ref: 22, 26)
Chlorpromazine - false positive for Opiates (Also false for pregnancy) (Ref: 23, 32)
Chlorpromazine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Cipro (antibiotic) - false positives for opiates (Ref: 25, 32)
Clinafloxacin - (Ref: 25)
Clinoril - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Clobenzorex - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Clonazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Coca tea, Coca leaf, Coca flour, Coca oil - positive for cocaine (Ref: 41)
Codeine - false positives for Amphetamines (Ref: 14)
Codeine - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 20)
Codinal PH® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Coffee-Break - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Cold remedies with dextromethorphan - positive for opiates (heroin) (Ref: 21)
Combivent inhaler - false positive for meth in urine tests (Ref: 19)
Comtrex - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Concerta - false positive for meth in urine tests (Ref: 19)
Contac - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 7, 20)
Contac Severe Cold Formula - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Contact - false positives for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 2, 3, 7, 11, 16, 18)
Contact Non-Drowsy Formula Sinus Caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Control - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Cough medicines - See if any ingredients are on this list (Ref: 6, 20)
Cough suppressants with Dextromethorphan (DXM) - false positive for Heroin (MDMA) (Ref: 16)
Cows head pills (Chinese herb) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Cramp End Tablets - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Cremacoat 4 - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Cylert - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Dalmane® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Datril - false positives for Marijuana (Ref: 1)
Darvon® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Daypro - false positives for benzodiazepines (Ref: 34)
Deconsal contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Demerol - tests positive for opiates (Ref: 26, 29)
Deprenyl - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Desipramine (Ref: 32)
Desoxyephedrine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Desoyn® contains d-methamphetamine (Ref: 18)
Diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 11, 16, 18)
Dexatrim - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Dexdenfluramine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Dexedrine is an Amphetamine (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Dexfenfluramine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 11)
Dextroamphetamine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide or DXM - false positives for amphetamines (Ref: 6, 11)
Dextromethorphan - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 21, 26, 29, 32)
DHEA - false positive for anabolic steroid use (Ref: 13)
Diabetes - false positives for Amphetamines, Cocaine, THC, Ecstasy, Meth and Opiates (Ref: 3, 15, 16, 20, 21)
Diabismul® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Diazepam - false positive for PCP (Ref: 29)
Diazepam (generic name for Valium) - contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18, 20, 26)
Dicyclomine (Ref: 18)
Didrex - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 11)
Diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) - false positive for amphetamines (Ref: 2, 10, 16)
Dietac - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Dihyrocodeine contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Dilantin - false positives for Barbiturates (Ref: 3, 20)
Dilaudid® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Dimetane-DC Cough Syrup ® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Dimetapp - false positive for Morphine, Meth, Ecstasy (Ref: 1, 2, 7, 11, 16, 18)
Dimethylamphetamine metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Dietac - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 7)
Dimetapp - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 7)
Dinintel® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Diphenhydramine - false positive PCP results (Ref: 24)
Diphenhydramine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Doco children's cough syrup - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Dolobid - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Dolophine® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Donnagel-PG ® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Donnatal® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Donnatol (for irritable bowel syndrome) - false positive for barbiturates (Ref: 3)
Dormonocet® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Doxylamine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Dristan Cold caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Dristan Cough Formula - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1, 18)
Dristan Nasal Spray - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 26, 29)
Drixoral Cold and Flu - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Dronabad® (Ref: 18)
Dronabinol (Marinol) - false positives for THC (Ref: 16, 18)
Duramorph® contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Durophet® Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Edecrin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Efavirenz - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 32)
Effexor Tablets (venlafaxine hydrochloride) - false positive for PCP (Ref: 27, 33)
Efidac/24 - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Efotamine - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Elavil - false positives for opiates for up to three days, LSD, Methadone (Ref: 3, 26, 29, 43)
Eldepryl - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Elderpryl® metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Emprin with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Ephedrol, Ephedra (Ma Haung) - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Ephedrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth, and Ecstasy (Ref: 2, 3, 11, 16, 18, 29, 30, 32)
Empirin w/codeine - false positive for Morphine, Opioids (Ref: 1, 3, 20)
Enoxacin - false-positive for opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Ergostat® - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Ergotamine (Ref: 18)
Estasule Minus - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Etafediabe - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Ethylamphetamine metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Excedrin IB - false positives for Marijuana (Cannabis) THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Ephedra - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 22)
Ephedrine-based compounds - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 22)
Famprofazone - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Feldene - false positives for THC (Ref: 3, 18)
Fencamine metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Fenelylline - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Fenfluramine - false positive for Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Fenoprofin - false positive for Marijuana, Amphetamines, Barbiturates (Ref: 1, 7)
Fenproporex metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Fenproyorex - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Finedal® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Fioricet with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Fiorinal w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1, 3, 18, 20)
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics - false positive for opiates (Ref: 28, 32)
Fluoxetine (Prozac) - false positives for amphetamines (Ref: 31)
Flurazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Flurbiprofen - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Fluriprofen® (Ref: 18)
Fluspirilene may test positive for amphetamines (Ref: 26)
Furfenorex metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Gatifloxacin (Ref: 25)
Genpril - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Gradumet® contains d-methamphetamine (Ref: 18)
Halotest-25 (Ref: 40)
Haltran - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Hamantashen may test positive for opiates. (Ref: 13)
Hempseed Oil - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 21, 29)
Hold Cough Suppressant - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Homatropine Methylbromide contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hycodan® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydergine - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Hydrocodone Bitartrate contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydrocodone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydrocodone - false positive for oxycodone (Ref: 41)
Hydromorphone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydroymethamphetamone - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Ibuprin - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Ibuprofen - false positive for Marijuana (THC) (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 18, 29)
Ifenoprofen - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 13, 18, 21, 26)
Imitrex Hydergine® (Ref: 3, 18)
Indocin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Infantol Pink ® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Infumorf contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Isoclor Expectorant contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Kaoden with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Kaodene with Paregoric® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Kenesed® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Ketamine - false positive for PCP (Ref: 16, 32)
Ketoprofen - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Kidney disease - false positive for Cocaine (Ref: 3, 16, 20)
Kidney infection - false positive for Amphetamines, THC, Ecstasy, and Opiates (Ref: 3, 15, 16, 21)
Klonopin® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Levaquin® - false positive for opiates (Ref: 35)
Levofloxacin (antibiotic) - false positives for opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Libritab® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Librium® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Limbitrol® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Lisuride - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Lisuride/Dopergin® (Ref: 18)
Liver Disease - false positive for Opiates, Ecstasy, THC and Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 15, 16, 20, 21)
Lodine - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Lomefloxacin (Ref: 25)
Loprazolam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Lorazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Lortab - an opioid analgesic (PDR*)
Luminal® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Lysergol - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica) - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 32)
Marax - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Margestic - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Marinol® false positive for Marijuana (THC) (Ref: 3, 18)
Maximum Strength Sinus Gelcaps (Ref: 18)
Maximum Strength Sine-aid - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Maximum Strength Sudafed Sinus - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Maximum Strength Tylenol Sinus gelcaps - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Meclomen - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Mediprim - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Medipren - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Mefenorex - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Menstrual cramp medications like Midol and Trendar (Ref: 26)
Meperidine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Mephentermine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Mesocarb - false positive for Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Methadone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Methoxyphenamine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Methphenidate - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 11)
Methylphenidate (Ritalin) an Amphetamine-like stimulant (Ref: 3, 32)
Methysergide/Sansert® (Ref: 18)
Methysergiside - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Midol - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 26, 29)
Mini-thins - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20)
Miracle herb pills (Chinese herb) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Morazone - false positive for Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Morax - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Motrin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29)
Moxifloxacin (Ref: 25)
MS Contin Tablets® contain morphine (Ref: 18)
MSIR® contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Mudrane GC® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Naldecon - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Nalfon - false positive for Marijuana, Amphetamines, Barbituates, Benzodiazephines, Methaqualone (Ref: 1, 3, 7, 18)
Naprosyn - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 18)
Naproxen (Aleve) - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 21)
Naproxyn (Ref: 26)
Nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin) - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 2, 10, 16, 21)
Navonaprox - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1)
Nembutal Sodium contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Neosynephren - false positive reading for Amphetamines (Ref: 26, 29)
Neosynephrine - False positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18, 26)
No Drowsiness Sinarest Tablets (Ref: 3, 18)
Nonprescription products that contain opium (i.e., morphine) (Ref: 18)
Norflex - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Norfloxacin (Ref: 25)
Novahistine DH® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Novahistine Expectorant® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
NSAIDS - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20, 32) (Ref. 22 says NO)
Nucofed Expectorant contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Numorphan® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Nuprin - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29)
Nyquil - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates, Morphine, Meth, Ecstasy, Methadone (Ref: 1, 3, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 26, 29, 43)
Obetrol® Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Ofloxacin (antibiotic) - false positives for opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Oramorph contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Ornade - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Ortain - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7, 11)
Orudis KT - false positives for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Orudis® (Ref: 3, 18)
OTC diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) (Ref: 11)
Over-the-counter nasal sprays (See Vicks inhaler, Afrin) (Ref: 11, 16, 18, 20)
Oxaprozin - false positive for THC, Marijuana, Benzodiazepines (Ref: 3, 18, 34)
Oxazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Oxycodone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Oxymorphone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Pamprin® - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Pantoprazole - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
Paracodine® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Paregoric contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Par-Glycerol-C (CV) contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Pedacare - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Pediacof® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Pefloxacin - false positive for Opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Pemoline - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Pentobarbital Sodium contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Percocet - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 3, 20)
Percodan® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Percovil - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 20)
Perylamine (Ref: 26)
Phenaphen with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Phendimetrazine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Phenergan-D (Ref: 18)
Phenegan-D - false positive for Amphetamines, Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Phenergan VC® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Phenergan with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Phenergan® - false positive for THC, Methadone (Ref: 3, 16, 18, 43)
Phenobarbital contains barbiturates (Ref: 18, 20)
Phenmetrazine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Phentermine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy on urine tests (Ref: 3, 4, 11)
Phenylephrine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Phenylpropanolamine - false positive for amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18, 22, 30, 32)
Phenylephrine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 11)
Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) - false positive for Meth (Ref: 11, 16)
Phenypropanolamine - false positive reading for Amphetamines (Ref: 29)
Phenypropan-Olamine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7) (This is an active ingredient in Actifed, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Selzer Plus, Allerest, Caldecon, Contac, Dietac, Dimetapp, 4-Way Nasal Spray, Ortain, Sinarest, Triaminicin)
Pholedrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Poly-Histine contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Pondinil® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Poppy Seeds contain morphine - positive for Heroin (MDMA), Opiates (Ref: 3, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 29, 32)
Potentsex pills (Chinese herb) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Prenylamine metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Prescription medications that contain codeine (Ref: 18)
Prescription NSAIDS (Ref: 18, 20)
Prescription sleeping pills may test positive for Benzodiazepines (Ref: 3, 20)
Primatene-M (Ref: 26, 29)
Primatine Tablets - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Promethazine - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Promethegan - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Propanolamine (Ref: 26)
Propoxyphene contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Propylephedrine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Proton pump inhibitors - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
Protonix - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
Prozac (Fluoxetine Hydrochloride) - false positives for amphetamines (Ref: 31)
Pseudoephederine - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20)
Pseudoephedrine may be detected as amphetamines (speed) (Ref: 3, 11, 18, 21, 30)
Pseudoephedrineare - false positive for amphetamines (Ref: 22)
Purim cookies contain poppy seeds, false positive for opiates (Ref: 13, 16, 17)
Quadrinal® - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1, 18)
Quelidrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Quelichine - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Quibron Plus - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Quinine in Tonic water - positive for opiates (Ref: 26, 29, 32)
Quinolones (Ref: 25)
Ranitidine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 32)
Redux - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Relafen - false positive for Marijuana (Ref: 3)
Rescudose contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Rexatal® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18, 21)
Rifampin - false positive for Opiates (Ref: 25, 32)
Rifampicin (antibiotic) - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Ritalin® an Amphetamine-like stimulant (Ref: 18)
Rivotril® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Robitussin - positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Robitussin A-C® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Robitussin Cold and Flu - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Robitussin DAC® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Robitussin DM - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Romilar - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Roxanol contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Rufin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3)
Secobarbital contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Secobarbital Sodium Bellergal-S® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Seconal Sodium contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Selegiline (Eldepryl) - false positive for Meth, Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Serax® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Shampoo containing hemp (Ref: 29)
Silexin - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sinarest - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Sine-Aid Tablets Maximum Strength (Ref: 18)
Sine-Off - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sinex - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Sinubid - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sinus Excedrin Extra Strength Caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Solfoton® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Soma - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Soma with Codeine (Ref: 18)
Sparfloxacin (Ref: 25)
St. Joseph's Cough Syrup - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sudafed - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29)
Sustiva (Efanirenz) - false positive for THC or Marijuana (Ref: 38)
Synalgos DC® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Tanning lotion containing hemp (Ref: 2)
Tavist-D - false positive for Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Tedral - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Tegisec® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Thioridazine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Tolectin® - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Tonic water - false positive for cocaine (Ref: 16, 18)
Trazedone (Ref: 32)
Trendar Cramp Relief Formula - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 26, 29)
Triaminic 12 - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Triaminic Expectorant with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
TriazolamHalcion® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Triaminicin - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Triminicol - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Triprolidine - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Trucal - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tussagesic - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tussaminic - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tussar 2® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Tussar SF® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Tussi-Organiden contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Tussinic - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tylenol (acetaminophen) with Codeine® (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Tylenol 3 - can cause positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Tylenol 4 - can cause positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Tylenol Sinus gelcaps, Maximum Strength - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Tylenol Sinus - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20)
Unisom Nighttime Sleep Aid - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Valerian Root and extract - false positives for Benzodiazepines (Ref: 36)
Valium® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18, 20)
Valrelease® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Venlafaxine hydrochloride (Effexor) - false positive for PCP (Ref: 27, 33)
Vicks Formula 44M - false positive for heroin, Methadone (Ref: 1, 14, 26, 29, 43)
Vicks Cough Syrup - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Vicks Inhaler - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Vicks Nasal Spray (Ref: 26, 29)
Vicks Nyquil - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Vicodin ES® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 3, 18)
Vitamin B2 - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Voltaren - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Wellbutrin - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 12)
Wigraine® - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Wygesic - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 20)
Xanax® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Zantac - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 30)
Zoloft - false positive for benzodiazepines (Ref: 31)

The $50 stuff doesn't have any of that shit in it.


Active Member
im actually waiting right now to hear from a new job. a great job. I used "golden shower" synthetic urine from waterbeds and stuff ill post when i find out if i passed or not.


Well-Known Member
you should be ok man...hopefully, as long as the temp was good. ive only used the urine luck, but i havnt heard to many bad things about synthetics

im actually waiting right now to hear from a new job. a great job. I used "golden shower" synthetic urine from waterbeds and stuff ill post when i find out if i passed or not.


Well-Known Member
Having read every line of your post, NoDrama, (yeah, right) all I can say is that it is amazing that anyone ever PASSES a test.


Well-Known Member
im sure for you to fail a test with things from that list you would have to have taken that item at the EXACT time for it to cause a false positive...a good friend of mine passed a test for methadone by saying that he took nyquill the day before...see when your in pain management, like myself, when i get randomly test they asked me after i hand them the cup what i took within the last 24 hours and what the mg's where...he knew he was going to fail so looked up a false positive for methadone, went into the doc acting like he had the worst cold ever, they told him it came up but didnt punish him for it because of the nyquill...even though that once methadone breaks down, it turns into a metabolite that is only cause by TAKING METHADONE and they still did nothing..either that or because he said he took nyquill they didnt pursue the test that far

Having read every line of your post, NoDrama, (yeah, right) all I can say is that it is amazing that anyone ever PASSES a test.


Well-Known Member
This thread should of stoped at Urine-Luck. Works everytime, The warmer they use is just a Hand warmer that you can buy anywhere. I suggest having a couple extra hand warmers. I rubberband two warmers and thirty minutes later my synthetic urine is perfect. 4 ua's passed. Temp can kill you, if it's not hot enough, your fucked. The cheap color coded temp strips that they use can't tell if the piss is 92 degrees or 120 degrees and that is why I use two hand warmers instead of the one that it comes with. Better safe then sorry!!

Smucker G

Active Member
Here is a list of things that can flag the test as a failure for drugs....Its a LONG list.

4-Way Nasal Spray - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Accutrim - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 11, 16, 18)
Acetaminoph w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Acet-AM - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Acro-Lase Plus® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
A.P.C. w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
A.R.M. - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Actifed - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 3, 7, 18)
Actifed with Codeine Cough Syrup® (Ref: 18)
Adderall® - is an amphetamine, positive for Meth (Ref: 2008 PDR, 18, 19)
Advil - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29) (Ref. 22 says NO)
Afrin - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Aleve - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Alka-Seltzer - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7)
Alka-Seltzer Plus - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Allerest - false positive for Amphetamines, Ecstasy, Meth and Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 16, 18)
Alprazolam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Amantadine (Ref: 32)
Ambenyl contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Amesec - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Amfepramone - false positive for Amphetamines, Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Amifepramone - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Amineptine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Amitriptyline - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Amogel PG® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Amoxicillin - false positive for cocaine (Ref: 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 26, 29)
Ampicillin - false positive for cocaine (Ref: 29)
Amphetaminil metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Ampicin - can cause false positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Anaprox - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 18)
Ansaid - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Anti Anxiety medication, most - false positive for benzodiazepines (Ref: 3)
Anti Inflammatories such as Naproxyn (Ref: 26)
Antiasthmatics that contain phenobarbitol - false positive for barbiturates (Ref: 3)
Antihistamines in general - false positives for Methadone (Ref: 43)
Antibiotics - false positives for Heroin, Cocaine (Ref: 13, 18, 20)
Antrocol Elixor® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Apo-Naproxen - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1)
Artane - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Ascriptin w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Aspirin with Codeine (Ref: 18)
Asthma medications - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 21)
Astramoprh PF ® contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Ativan® (lorazepam) contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Atripla - false positive for cannabinoid THC (Ref: 39)
B2 vitamin - false positive for THC (Ref: 21)
Bayer Select Maximum Strength Sinus Pain Relief Caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Bayer Select Pain Relief Formula - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Bentyl® - false positive for LSD , Methadone (Ref: 3, 18, 43)
Benylin - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Benzatropine/Artane® (Ref: 18)
Benzedrine® - Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Benzphetamine - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Biphetamine® for Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Black Pearls (Tung Sheuh pills) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Broncholate CS contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Bromocriptine/Parlodel® (Ref: 18)
Bromocription - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Bromphenlramlne - false-Positive for Amphetamine (Ref: 22)
Bronkaid - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates, Ecstasy, Meth (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 18)
Bronkotabs - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1, 11)
Buprenex® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Buprenorphine contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 12, 31, 32)
Cafergot® - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Caldecon - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7,)
Capital and Codeine Oral Solution - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3, 18)
Captagon® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Cathne - false positives for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (MDMA) (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Cheracol contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Cheracol Sinus - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Chinese herb pills contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Chlordiazepoxide contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Chiorpromazlne - False-Positive for Amphetamine (Ref: 22, 26)
Chlorpromazine - false positive for Opiates (Also false for pregnancy) (Ref: 23, 32)
Chlorpromazine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Cipro (antibiotic) - false positives for opiates (Ref: 25, 32)
Clinafloxacin - (Ref: 25)
Clinoril - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Clobenzorex - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Clonazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Coca tea, Coca leaf, Coca flour, Coca oil - positive for cocaine (Ref: 41)
Codeine - false positives for Amphetamines (Ref: 14)
Codeine - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 20)
Codinal PH® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Coffee-Break - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Cold remedies with dextromethorphan - positive for opiates (heroin) (Ref: 21)
Combivent inhaler - false positive for meth in urine tests (Ref: 19)
Comtrex - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Concerta - false positive for meth in urine tests (Ref: 19)
Contac - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 7, 20)
Contac Severe Cold Formula - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Contact - false positives for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 2, 3, 7, 11, 16, 18)
Contact Non-Drowsy Formula Sinus Caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Control - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Cough medicines - See if any ingredients are on this list (Ref: 6, 20)
Cough suppressants with Dextromethorphan (DXM) - false positive for Heroin (MDMA) (Ref: 16)
Cows head pills (Chinese herb) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Cramp End Tablets - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Cremacoat 4 - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Cylert - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Dalmane® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Datril - false positives for Marijuana (Ref: 1)
Darvon® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Daypro - false positives for benzodiazepines (Ref: 34)
Deconsal contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Demerol - tests positive for opiates (Ref: 26, 29)
Deprenyl - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Desipramine (Ref: 32)
Desoxyephedrine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Desoyn® contains d-methamphetamine (Ref: 18)
Diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 11, 16, 18)
Dexatrim - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Dexdenfluramine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Dexedrine is an Amphetamine (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Dexfenfluramine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 11)
Dextroamphetamine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide or DXM - false positives for amphetamines (Ref: 6, 11)
Dextromethorphan - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 21, 26, 29, 32)
DHEA - false positive for anabolic steroid use (Ref: 13)
Diabetes - false positives for Amphetamines, Cocaine, THC, Ecstasy, Meth and Opiates (Ref: 3, 15, 16, 20, 21)
Diabismul® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Diazepam - false positive for PCP (Ref: 29)
Diazepam (generic name for Valium) - contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18, 20, 26)
Dicyclomine (Ref: 18)
Didrex - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 11)
Diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) - false positive for amphetamines (Ref: 2, 10, 16)
Dietac - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Dihyrocodeine contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Dilantin - false positives for Barbiturates (Ref: 3, 20)
Dilaudid® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Dimetane-DC Cough Syrup ® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Dimetapp - false positive for Morphine, Meth, Ecstasy (Ref: 1, 2, 7, 11, 16, 18)
Dimethylamphetamine metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Dietac - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 7)
Dimetapp - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 7)
Dinintel® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Diphenhydramine - false positive PCP results (Ref: 24)
Diphenhydramine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Doco children's cough syrup - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Dolobid - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Dolophine® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Donnagel-PG ® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Donnatal® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Donnatol (for irritable bowel syndrome) - false positive for barbiturates (Ref: 3)
Dormonocet® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Doxylamine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Dristan Cold caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Dristan Cough Formula - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1, 18)
Dristan Nasal Spray - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 26, 29)
Drixoral Cold and Flu - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Dronabad® (Ref: 18)
Dronabinol (Marinol) - false positives for THC (Ref: 16, 18)
Duramorph® contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Durophet® Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Edecrin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Efavirenz - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 32)
Effexor Tablets (venlafaxine hydrochloride) - false positive for PCP (Ref: 27, 33)
Efidac/24 - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Efotamine - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Elavil - false positives for opiates for up to three days, LSD, Methadone (Ref: 3, 26, 29, 43)
Eldepryl - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Elderpryl® metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Emprin with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Ephedrol, Ephedra (Ma Haung) - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Ephedrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth, and Ecstasy (Ref: 2, 3, 11, 16, 18, 29, 30, 32)
Empirin w/codeine - false positive for Morphine, Opioids (Ref: 1, 3, 20)
Enoxacin - false-positive for opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Ergostat® - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Ergotamine (Ref: 18)
Estasule Minus - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Etafediabe - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Ethylamphetamine metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Excedrin IB - false positives for Marijuana (Cannabis) THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Ephedra - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 22)
Ephedrine-based compounds - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 22)
Famprofazone - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Feldene - false positives for THC (Ref: 3, 18)
Fencamine metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Fenelylline - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Fenfluramine - false positive for Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Fenoprofin - false positive for Marijuana, Amphetamines, Barbiturates (Ref: 1, 7)
Fenproporex metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Fenproyorex - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Finedal® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Fioricet with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Fiorinal w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1, 3, 18, 20)
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics - false positive for opiates (Ref: 28, 32)
Fluoxetine (Prozac) - false positives for amphetamines (Ref: 31)
Flurazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Flurbiprofen - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Fluriprofen® (Ref: 18)
Fluspirilene may test positive for amphetamines (Ref: 26)
Furfenorex metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Gatifloxacin (Ref: 25)
Genpril - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Gradumet® contains d-methamphetamine (Ref: 18)
Halotest-25 (Ref: 40)
Haltran - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Hamantashen may test positive for opiates. (Ref: 13)
Hempseed Oil - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 21, 29)
Hold Cough Suppressant - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Homatropine Methylbromide contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hycodan® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydergine - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Hydrocodone Bitartrate contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydrocodone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydrocodone - false positive for oxycodone (Ref: 41)
Hydromorphone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Hydroymethamphetamone - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Ibuprin - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Ibuprofen - false positive for Marijuana (THC) (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 18, 29)
Ifenoprofen - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 13, 18, 21, 26)
Imitrex Hydergine® (Ref: 3, 18)
Indocin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Infantol Pink ® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Infumorf contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Isoclor Expectorant contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Kaoden with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Kaodene with Paregoric® contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Kenesed® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Ketamine - false positive for PCP (Ref: 16, 32)
Ketoprofen - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Kidney disease - false positive for Cocaine (Ref: 3, 16, 20)
Kidney infection - false positive for Amphetamines, THC, Ecstasy, and Opiates (Ref: 3, 15, 16, 21)
Klonopin® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Levaquin® - false positive for opiates (Ref: 35)
Levofloxacin (antibiotic) - false positives for opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Libritab® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Librium® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Limbitrol® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Lisuride - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Lisuride/Dopergin® (Ref: 18)
Liver Disease - false positive for Opiates, Ecstasy, THC and Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 15, 16, 20, 21)
Lodine - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Lomefloxacin (Ref: 25)
Loprazolam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Lorazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Lortab - an opioid analgesic (PDR*)
Luminal® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Lysergol - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica) - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 32)
Marax - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Margestic - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Marinol® false positive for Marijuana (THC) (Ref: 3, 18)
Maximum Strength Sinus Gelcaps (Ref: 18)
Maximum Strength Sine-aid - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Maximum Strength Sudafed Sinus - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Maximum Strength Tylenol Sinus gelcaps - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Meclomen - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Mediprim - false positive for marijuana (Ref: 3)
Medipren - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Mefenorex - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Menstrual cramp medications like Midol and Trendar (Ref: 26)
Meperidine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Mephentermine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Mesocarb - false positive for Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Methadone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Methoxyphenamine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Methphenidate - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 11)
Methylphenidate (Ritalin) an Amphetamine-like stimulant (Ref: 3, 32)
Methysergide/Sansert® (Ref: 18)
Methysergiside - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
Midol - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 26, 29)
Mini-thins - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20)
Miracle herb pills (Chinese herb) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Morazone - false positive for Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Morax - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Motrin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29)
Moxifloxacin (Ref: 25)
MS Contin Tablets® contain morphine (Ref: 18)
MSIR® contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Mudrane GC® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Naldecon - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Nalfon - false positive for Marijuana, Amphetamines, Barbituates, Benzodiazephines, Methaqualone (Ref: 1, 3, 7, 18)
Naprosyn - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 18)
Naproxen (Aleve) - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3, 16, 21)
Naproxyn (Ref: 26)
Nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin) - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 2, 10, 16, 21)
Navonaprox - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1)
Nembutal Sodium contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Neosynephren - false positive reading for Amphetamines (Ref: 26, 29)
Neosynephrine - False positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18, 26)
No Drowsiness Sinarest Tablets (Ref: 3, 18)
Nonprescription products that contain opium (i.e., morphine) (Ref: 18)
Norflex - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Norfloxacin (Ref: 25)
Novahistine DH® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Novahistine Expectorant® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
NSAIDS - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20, 32) (Ref. 22 says NO)
Nucofed Expectorant contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Numorphan® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Nuprin - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29)
Nyquil - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates, Morphine, Meth, Ecstasy, Methadone (Ref: 1, 3, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 26, 29, 43)
Obetrol® Amphetamines (Ref: 18)
Ofloxacin (antibiotic) - false positives for opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Oramorph contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Ornade - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Ortain - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7, 11)
Orudis KT - false positives for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Orudis® (Ref: 3, 18)
OTC diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim) (Ref: 11)
Over-the-counter nasal sprays (See Vicks inhaler, Afrin) (Ref: 11, 16, 18, 20)
Oxaprozin - false positive for THC, Marijuana, Benzodiazepines (Ref: 3, 18, 34)
Oxazepam contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Oxycodone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Oxymorphone contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Pamprin® - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Pantoprazole - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
Paracodine® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Paregoric contains opium/morphine (Ref: 18)
Par-Glycerol-C (CV) contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Pedacare - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Pediacof® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Pefloxacin - false positive for Opiates (Ref: 25, 28)
Pemoline - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Pentobarbital Sodium contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Percocet - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 3, 20)
Percodan® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Percovil - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 20)
Perylamine (Ref: 26)
Phenaphen with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Phendimetrazine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Phenergan-D (Ref: 18)
Phenegan-D - false positive for Amphetamines, Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Phenergan VC® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Phenergan with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
Phenergan® - false positive for THC, Methadone (Ref: 3, 16, 18, 43)
Phenobarbital contains barbiturates (Ref: 18, 20)
Phenmetrazine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11)
Phentermine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy on urine tests (Ref: 3, 4, 11)
Phenylephrine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Phenylpropanolamine - false positive for amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18, 22, 30, 32)
Phenylephrine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 11)
Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) - false positive for Meth (Ref: 11, 16)
Phenypropanolamine - false positive reading for Amphetamines (Ref: 29)
Phenypropan-Olamine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7) (This is an active ingredient in Actifed, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Selzer Plus, Allerest, Caldecon, Contac, Dietac, Dimetapp, 4-Way Nasal Spray, Ortain, Sinarest, Triaminicin)
Pholedrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Poly-Histine contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Pondinil® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Poppy Seeds contain morphine - positive for Heroin (MDMA), Opiates (Ref: 3, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 29, 32)
Potentsex pills (Chinese herb) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
Prenylamine metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Prescription medications that contain codeine (Ref: 18)
Prescription NSAIDS (Ref: 18, 20)
Prescription sleeping pills may test positive for Benzodiazepines (Ref: 3, 20)
Primatene-M (Ref: 26, 29)
Primatine Tablets - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Promethazine - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Promethegan - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Propanolamine (Ref: 26)
Propoxyphene contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Propylephedrine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Proton pump inhibitors - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
Protonix - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
Prozac (Fluoxetine Hydrochloride) - false positives for amphetamines (Ref: 31)
Pseudoephederine - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20)
Pseudoephedrine may be detected as amphetamines (speed) (Ref: 3, 11, 18, 21, 30)
Pseudoephedrineare - false positive for amphetamines (Ref: 22)
Purim cookies contain poppy seeds, false positive for opiates (Ref: 13, 16, 17)
Quadrinal® - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1, 18)
Quelidrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Quelichine - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Quibron Plus - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Quinine in Tonic water - positive for opiates (Ref: 26, 29, 32)
Quinolones (Ref: 25)
Ranitidine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 32)
Redux - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
Relafen - false positive for Marijuana (Ref: 3)
Rescudose contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Rexatal® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18, 21)
Rifampin - false positive for Opiates (Ref: 25, 32)
Rifampicin (antibiotic) - false positive for Opioids (Ref: 3)
Ritalin® an Amphetamine-like stimulant (Ref: 18)
Rivotril® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Robitussin - positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Robitussin A-C® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Robitussin Cold and Flu - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Robitussin DAC® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Robitussin DM - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Romilar - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Roxanol contains morphine (Ref: 18)
Rufin - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 3)
Secobarbital contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Secobarbital Sodium Bellergal-S® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Seconal Sodium contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Selegiline (Eldepryl) - false positive for Meth, Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
Serax® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Shampoo containing hemp (Ref: 29)
Silexin - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sinarest - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Sine-Aid Tablets Maximum Strength (Ref: 18)
Sine-Off - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sinex - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3)
Sinubid - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sinus Excedrin Extra Strength Caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Solfoton® contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
Soma - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Soma with Codeine (Ref: 18)
Sparfloxacin (Ref: 25)
St. Joseph's Cough Syrup - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Sudafed - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29)
Sustiva (Efanirenz) - false positive for THC or Marijuana (Ref: 38)
Synalgos DC® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
Tanning lotion containing hemp (Ref: 2)
Tavist-D - false positive for Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Tedral - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
Tegisec® metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
Thioridazine - false positive for phencyclidine (Ref: 32)
Tolectin® - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Tonic water - false positive for cocaine (Ref: 16, 18)
Trazedone (Ref: 32)
Trendar Cramp Relief Formula - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18, 26, 29)
Triaminic 12 - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Triaminic Expectorant with Codeine® (Ref: 18)
TriazolamHalcion® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Triaminicin - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
Triminicol - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Triprolidine - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Trucal - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tussagesic - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tussaminic - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tussar 2® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Tussar SF® contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Tussi-Organiden contains codeine (Ref: 18)
Tussinic - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Tylenol (acetaminophen) with Codeine® (Ref: 3, 18, 20)
Tylenol 3 - can cause positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Tylenol 4 - can cause positive for opiates (Ref: 20)
Tylenol Sinus gelcaps, Maximum Strength - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
Tylenol Sinus - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20)
Unisom Nighttime Sleep Aid - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 43)
Valerian Root and extract - false positives for Benzodiazepines (Ref: 36)
Valium® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18, 20)
Valrelease® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Venlafaxine hydrochloride (Effexor) - false positive for PCP (Ref: 27, 33)
Vicks Formula 44M - false positive for heroin, Methadone (Ref: 1, 14, 26, 29, 43)
Vicks Cough Syrup - false positive for Heroin, Opiates, Morphine (Ref: 1)
Vicks Inhaler - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Vicks Nasal Spray (Ref: 26, 29)
Vicks Nyquil - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
Vicodin ES® contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 3, 18)
Vitamin B2 - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
Voltaren - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)
Wellbutrin - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 12)
Wigraine® - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3, 18)
Wygesic - will test positive (not false) for opiates (Ref: 20)
Xanax® contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
Zantac - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 30)
Zoloft - false positive for benzodiazepines (Ref: 31)

The $50 stuff doesn't have any of that shit in it.

I think maybe there is something missing from this list. Tetrahydrocannabinol might give you a fail too.