Google Wallet


Anyone here use google wallet?
I have Google Wallet enabled with NFC on my nexus 5 and just yesterday I received my physical Google Wallet Card.
Just checking out to see, how many people even know of how handy it can be.

I will post a picture of how the card looks like soon.


Yeah, so far I think its only within the US. But I encourage you to explore further. Its similar to paypal in which you can have a digital wallet balance from which you can pay online and then you have debit or credit cards and bank accounts as back ups. It is much more expansive than paypal though. I use it to pay at most locations through tap and pay with my phone. But you can also send money via email, NFC tapping two phones together, and some other ways.


Well-Known Member
Yah not heard of that in the UK, sounds pretty cool but I don't get why, if you have your wallet and internet banking/paypal on your phone you can send and receive money for free all of those ways anyway can't you?

Except the phone bumping which again seems cool but kinda pointless, who's that gonna be useful for other than drug dealers and its not useful for them cos its a paper trail...

Not saying if it were free I wouldn't get it but I dunno if i'd pay for it!


Ive used phone bumping a few times with my buddy when its the others turn to pay for the week. LOL :) Since you can connect your banking system to it, and now that they enabled the physical google wallet card, it enables me to go a full day without a "real" card. Also: the Wallet Card can be used at any ATM to withdraw a daily limit of $300.


It is free. Google actually makes no money with this. They do gain a ton of your info, but that aside, no money.


Here is a picture of the card. It is a fully functioning debit card with the mag strip and number on the back. I can only show the front because If I black out all the info on the back, I might as well not show anyways...Photo on 12-11-13 at 3.47 PM.jpg


I ordered mine through their android wallet application. Its free and I received it within 10 days.