google= Gov't's partner in crime


Well-Known Member
so i'm probably sure alot of you guys have heard about Google+, i'm definitely not getting that. it's kind of scary thinking that everything you post up, and people post up about you, that the gov't can get that info. say if we have another "terrorist attack," to justify it's actions they just might do that. I mean hell they justified the Patriot Act with 9/11. Below is a website talking all about it. keep your head up folks and fuck Google


New Member



Well-Known Member
so i'm probably sure alot of you guys have heard about Google+, i'm definitely not getting that. it's kind of scary thinking that everything you post up, and people post up about you, that the gov't can get that info. say if we have another "terrorist attack," to justify it's actions they just might do that. I mean hell they justified the Patriot Act with 9/11. Below is a website talking all about it. keep your head up folks and fuck Google
You think it stops with google+??? Every single service of googles is based around keeping and indexing massive amounts of data. Data which the government can get at any time. I assume you don't have a facebook, because it's the same story there.