Google Analytics


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

I'm trying to teach myself Google Analytics and SEO techniques, with a view to building an e-commerce website in future.

In order to learn how to drill down into all the statistics Google Analytics offer, and negotiate all the reports available, I have created a test blog to generate some stats.

I would be extremely grateful if you would follow the link to my test blog and click on a couple of the dummy posts. It might generate a high bounce-rate statistic, but hey, at least I'll be seeing more than the '1 Unique Visitor' stat I've been staring at for the last 24 hours.

Much obliged,

p.s. If it'll entice people to visit the blog and click through a page or two, I'd be happy to +rep any rep junkies who post a comment here to say they clicked on the link. My repping street cred is pretty weak, but I can't think of anything else to offer in exchange.
I do marketing and advertising for my job and you will love these tools when you find your way around. The only downside is google is always changing things and it drives me up the wall!

I clicked through, did some stuff and then let the link sit for a bit. You should see the traffic shortly.
Thanks very much, I appreciate it!

There are some great online resources available, so I'm reading through some of those while I wait for some numbers to appear. Pretty interesting stuff so far.
I recommend google tag manager too, you can add code to your website just from the google tag manager. Pretty awesome tool for marketing and adding custom objects to your site to see how they perform..
Thanks, team. I really appreciate it. Woke up this morning to finally find some data to look at! Sa-weet.
hey jim, have you had any luck with your little venture?

Yeah, I've finally had some data to work through. There was a spike in visits on the day I opened this thread, then it went quiet. Still, with the help of people here, I've finally been able to work through some books on SEO I found online.