Good spot or not?? next year grow?

ok i live in southeast pennsylvania... today i went to look for a good spot to grow and i think i found it... there is this factory thats pretty big its got barbed wire fence all around it... except in a few areas.. that just happen to have nice trees and bushes like the woods the whole area of all this is about 1/4 of a mile maybe a little more x 1/4 of a mile.. its a nice small little area surrounded by no homes or anything except 1 road and 1 corn field... you have to climb up a steep stepp hill to get to all this... when i was looking around i saw deer this was outside the fence... inside im guessing there would be none which means less animals and stuff. right? this area looks good a couple spots that get alot of sunlight and im thinking who the fuck would go in there?? IT SAYS no tresspassing. and stuff.. is small i wouldnt think of it plus its hard as hell to get up the hill... steep i slipped and almost hurt my self coming down LOL.... but anyway does this sounds like a good spot?? im looking to grow maybe 20 plants.. i was gonna spread them around the area.. 2 at a spot and just spred theem around.. maybe even get another area.. there is a bunch of these woods around this area.. that are split by roads... not busy roads.. i was gonna grow afgan and or durban poison plus 5 seeds i have that are indica of something..