Good Question


Well-Known Member
I have a 65 year old father. He is muslim and smokes cigs. My brother is an alcoholic and has been for 5 years now. My mom quit cigs 7 years ago and has psychological problems.

My dad stresses all the time about my bro cuz he lives at home and is 38. My dad can't ever get a good always so stressed. He is almost to the point of going crazy and becoming suicidal. He knows he will go to hell and won't attempt that, but he gets the overwhelming feeling. I can't convince him to divorce my mom and kick both her and my bro out of the house in order to concentrate on his health. He is the type where he loves them too much to just dump them or break up the family. He doesn't have the self confidence to take charge.

He doesn't know much about my smoking weed. I really wanna sit him down and tell him the truth about it no matter his reaction. I kinda wanna introduce him to blunts a little bit cuz I think it will help his stress and hopefully help him to sleep better and see that my mom and bro are fucking his life up. He may be the type to totally condemn it and not ever try it. But maybe if I tell him to just try it a few times on a low scale that it could be beneficial. I was able to see the world clearly and totally expand my horizons and see everything the way it really is. I want him to have that same opportunity. It could save his life.

What do you all think? I need some opinions before I try anything


Well-Known Member
go for it! i would say if my dad ever got to that point i would be begging him to light one up.... good luck with it and your mom and bro


Well-Known Member
That sounds depressing, I actually think it would be a good idea for him to get on it. let us know how it goes bra, good luck :bigjoint: