Good job illuminati.


Well-Known Member
RANT. Seriously good job, I was thinking about it and thought that the first person that wanted to have power must have put effort towards there power. They must have got extreme education and became a genius. Then with there intelligence they found someone with money and got there plan rolling. IDK how they started there plan all I'm saying is they put the effort to take control of power. But us everyday people had the potential to take everything over but we decide to live a somewhat peaceful life without trying to rule over all man kind and that is our choice and we succeeded so good job to us to I guess, but now we can't complain about the gov. having all this power they deserve it.

Another rant I wonder if when the caveman were around they had conspiracies too, ha that would be funny and all the other caveman were too stupid to know that so generation after generation the guy with the power taught his kids power and the other caveman taught there kids about peace and love, and here we are now being controlled (well maybe the illuminati probably doesn't even exist). IDK I'm pretty stoned not sure if this came out right, peace.
I know, i always like thinking about how various secret societies started. You know it wasn't always here and it had to start with an idea and a couple of- like you said -rich and smart guys that started that shit.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
RANT. Seriously good job, I was thinking about it and thought that the first person that wanted to have power must have put effort towards there power. They must have got extreme education and became a genius. Then with there intelligence they found someone with money and got there plan rolling. IDK how they started there plan all I'm saying is they put the effort to take control of power. But us everyday people had the potential to take everything over but we decide to live a somewhat peaceful life without trying to rule over all man kind and that is our choice and we succeeded so good job to us to I guess, but now we can't complain about the gov. having all this power they deserve it.

Another rant I wonder if when the caveman were around they had conspiracies too, ha that would be funny and all the other caveman were too stupid to know that so generation after generation the guy with the power taught his kids power and the other caveman taught there kids about peace and love, and here we are now being controlled (well maybe the illuminati probably doesn't even exist). IDK I'm pretty stoned not sure if this came out right, peace.
Check out and learn about MK Ultra and mind control through media/tv/music. The site has a few far fetched ideas but its mainly on point.