good drying technique??


Active Member
i recently talked to an old grower....they mentioned that when i the chop, i also grab the root system out of the dirt....then i let the roots sit in a pale of room temperature clean water for 2-3 days....they said this helps with getting rid of chlorophyl but i can still keep the moisture in my buds for drying......

can any 1 add further input or back this wisdom up?????

it makes sense to me.....just wanna get a clear picture on how to go about applying this technique!

thanks for reading...w/b RIU!



Active Member
So basicly hes saying to do a medium free flushing??Huh? idk but i like to see what others think also....
yea from what i understand.....i just wish i could have a 2nd opinion....i wouldnt mind tryin it......i keep ending up with hay smelllin budz. i wanna be able to chop, dry, n then smoke good budz! curing for sure....if i have the time.....ppl have the need for good budz. drought city!!!! lol

sum1 throw some knowledge on the table. we appreciate it.......



Well-Known Member
Well Ive found that drying too quickly will do that. The only thing I think the plain water thing would do is help to clean out excess salts for better taste. Dont dry your bud all the way at one time and dont leave it out for long periods of time. When you seal it up while still a little moist,then open for hour or to at a time, it tends to be better all over.

Mai Thot

I used to just put my colas in a bucket of water for a week and they had no chlorophyll. I dried them in the usual way and it worked great for the taste,

I already Node

Active Member
I am most definitely going to do this... it sounds like a very good flush. I meant to do it on my last NL but I had to chop a little early. Maybe if this Brazil Amazonia is a female then i will do that to her for sure.

I have also, heard that some growers put the whole plant in a dark room for until it is ready for jars, or even longer... I want to try this as well.


Well-Known Member
I usually just dance naked around my plants and then sacrifice a chicken(if its a sativa dominant strain) or a Turkey (if its indica dominant).

Its just a flush, in fact its exactly the same thing as flushing if you are using a hydro/DWC system. I'll keep my opinion about flushing to myself, so I dont start an 80 page flame war. :)

There is some merit to the dark period, which has been backed up by a study done 20-30 years ago, I'm sure someone has a link its a reasonably well known document. Basically says some strains benefit from a dark period before harvest.