Good canadian looking for cross breeding advice/strain swappage


Active Member
Okay so that title is fucked, but so are we all , a little. Anyways im currently growing me a little batch of the sticky (3 feminized white widow, 5 left to germinate when she's dialed in) white widow-originalgreenhouse seed co seeds - they invented the strain- and i was wondering if people on here have had good luck trying to crossbreed/pollinate the widow with any seeds that grow very well indoors. im thinking about trying to cross it with a Big Bud or some sort of equivalent strain (afgaan dream from bc seed co. looks promising) preferably a canadian developed strain (support the locals always!!) with a 8-9 week flowering time. if anyone has some killer strains of indoor, let me know, we can trade up some seeds. or clones if your in the west side of canada. anyways, happy growing, smoke em if ya got em! respect!