good bagseed and CFL & HID


Well-Known Member
  1. hi guys, first journal and second indoor grow, grown many a year outdoors but neighbors make it hard, ive started 2 big bud bag seed plants 30 days ago, i had to leave them for 2 weeks without water when i went over seas, they actually did quite well while i was away. of course they were hanging for a drink but still very healthy(you can see some damage in the photos) started them under a t5 fluro aqua, then after they grew one real leaf under a 100w CFL @ 6400K, in a couple of weeks they will be moved into my larger grow tent and be hit with a 600w HPS running a digital ballast with a cooltube ofcourse, this grow is just in good potting mix, ive used it plenty of times outdoors and does just as good of a job as any expensive shit, anyway comments and criticism welcome, it strikes me that these plants are pretty big for under 30 days(and going without water for 2 weeks) or i it just me? thanks guys



Well-Known Member
sorry guys forgot some obvious stuff to put in there, theyre on 16/8, the temp is around 20c duing the day and down around 10c during the night, its winter where i am and its really cold at the moment theyre growing in a closet at the moment but like i said will be moved into my grow tent when they grow up a bit, thanks for taking the time guys


Well-Known Member
ok so i woke up this morning and got out of bed, did this and that, went back to my bedroom to get a shirt and bang! the smell has gotten so much worse now you can smell it from the hallway, luckily i dont live with parents or anything to hide it from, but i still hide it from my mates, just quite surpried with the strength of smell scince theyre only around 30 days old... maybe becuse i went away for 2 weeks, no water, then they got hit again???... anyone?:?:


Well-Known Member
today is day 30, they drooped for 2 hours last night( i did an experiment with glucose and it seemed to work) and then today they are looking as healthy as ever, they grew atleast1/2 an inch scince lights off last night... atleast


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Looking good man! A bit of sugar never hurt anyone! LOL Do you plan to train em a bit since they are doing quite well early on, and despite the week long drought?


Well-Known Member
just gave them a transplant, watered them in with seasol, got some pics, drooping a bit in them but theyll get over it.

yeah old coot i do plan to train them, and the drought was for 2 weeks, i was surprised they were still alive, but yeah:leaf:


nice journal man, i like all the details. your plants look big to me too, especially the stalks, which is awesome. i've got my fingers crossed with you that their females:!:


Well-Known Member
so another daily update, transplanted yesterday, looking good again, the growth has been really impressive, also put 3 snow whites in germ last night(from nirvana) and 2 bag seed(good chronic), and im thinking about putting the 2 in my closet into my grow tent soon, but i dont have a metal halide, only a HPS, have a digital ballast but im not working atm so i cant afford a $100 globe, anyway heres some new pics



Well-Known Member
started LST last night, i was gunna wait, but because of the bigger pots i cant get them straight under the light, so im starting it now


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
started LST last night, i was gunna wait, but because of the bigger pots i cant get them straight under the light, so im starting it now
A word of caution on over hermied my plant all to hell when over handled, pulled and prodded etc. Next round I am still going to use LST with an emphasis on the S. I stressed her a bit I think by holding her down too much to get an even canopy. But.....the smoke is scary good so far. I also think that maybe doing less fumbling during 12/12 and vegging longer while training may be the answer. I doubt you could hermi a plant before sex is determined.


Well-Known Member
yeah the main thing is to be gentle with them when u do it, my rule is dont even touch the plant unless i absolutely have to, the less interference the less problems you have....


Well-Known Member
another update guys, did some LST, its coming along nicely, you can see the lower branches starting to rise up, ill throw a pic in I went away for a couple of days and one of the leaves grew into the CFL, little burn, itll get over it



Well-Known Member
well my camera is being a bitch, cant get photos up so i havent been updating, theyre doing well... got a new plan with DWC so i turned them a couple of days ago, theyre in the tent under the 600... getting some good growth now, probably double in size scince the last pic, also getting some yellowing on the new growth down the bottom.... i really dont know what it is ill put some pics up when i get my camera working... it could be hotspots from my mylar.... but i realy really doubt it, it hasnt got crinkles in it.... so i dont know... any ideas would be appreciated...


Well-Known Member
ok heres the problem, its yellowing on some of the new growth down the bottom, it really doesnt look like a nute problem to me, its not happing to the new growth on the main stem, all the fan leaves are fine with the exception of some loking like they were pinched, but that was because they were in a smal grow space, sorry about the photos they are with my phone....any ideas would be much appreciated, thanks



Well-Known Member
ok, ive had some trouble, but i think i was right, it wasnt nute/watering/bugs.... it was bad room syndrome(BRS) not good, the plants have spent the arvo outside... as soon as they were out of the tent for an hour or 2 i could tell they looked healthier(and they were sitting in the corner of my shed) so ive let them air out while i build a quick grow space in the shed, lol its gunna be dodgey.... i have no materials... so wish me luck!!! atleast this will be surrounded by 100% mylar.... no god damn PVC plastic like in $300 tent i bought.... anyway ill try to get some pics up,

after many long discussions with the supplier of the tent(im talking 10 months) i litterally just then made a deal with her and she is going to send me a mylar skin for my tent



Well-Known Member
well my tents out and pieces of wood with mylar stuck to it is in,

lol this took me about an hour to put together, stuck some mylar to some things and put it around my light, its onyl gotta last a couple of days till my new tent

1. what im using
2. old grow tent
3,4,5. new grow area



Well-Known Member
well after all the shit, the plants are back to being healthy as, went away for a bit over a week and i havent been able to fuck with my grow space which caused some heat issue with my plants putting out that last bit of stretch before throwing some pistils out, so they got a bit of burn, and some leaf bleach from just being way to close to the light.... anyway everything is good now, i got 2 out of 2 females from using lafemme, it worked! yay, anyway ill get some recent pics up 2morrow but heres some from the other day

sorry the photos are shit, phone pics

also using monsta bud from this point (every second watering)



Well-Known Member
just a quick overlook of how its gone

19 Aug

20 Aug

23 Aug

26 Aug

16 Sep

17 Sep

28 Sep

1 Oct

1 Oct

any comments on how its going so far?