Good Article on egg shells

Good article. Thanks for the link. My shells go in the compost pile.

You looking for homemade calcium sources?
Korean natural farming has an eggshell preparation for water soluble calcium.
Korean natural farming also has a higher percent calcium and phosphorus preparation made from livestock bones. Ive made this one, it took a few tries to get it right.
Coral sand works well too as an amendment.
I use this crushed oyster shell and coral mix along with oyster flower. What I want to do is find an old 2nd hand food processor so I can grind up egg shells. I have close to 5 gallons of egg shells ready to go but I haven't been able to find a used food processor in my area.

I've been doing some reading on Lacto Bacilli and composting in general. Currently I run a worm bin that I charged with composted horse and cow manure that was full of red worms and little bugs. This population rocks the bin and everything seems to work in harmony in the no till beds too. Those little bugs crawl everywhere in the soil but show no special interest in the plants. It's probably a total coincidence but I don't have much of a fungus gnat issue either.


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