Going to be doing first outdoor grow (first grow really) this spring

Hi guys,

First off, I apologize if this should be posted in the newbie section. The reason I am posting this in here is because I am DEFINITELY doing an outdoor grow, and I feel I can get more relevant answers here. So if this should be in the newbie section, feel free to move it.


Like I said I have decided to do my first grow ever, and its going to be an outside grow.

I live in good ol' British Columbia (the island), which brings me to the first question.

1. At roughly which date/month can one plant in the ground? AKA when does it get warm enough? From what I've read it seems to be around Late April to May, but I could be totally wrong.

2. I am planning on using autoflowering feminized seeds. Its my first grow, and it seems autoflowers are a good option. What are good autoflower strains? Especially anyone whos grown in BC and knows what the climate is like.

So far doing some research it seems that the Iranian Short Season is amazing.
Apparently its hardy and meant for outdoors. And its meant for cooler climates (like BC's). Reading on it I have noticed people claiming to harvest as early as late june (but mostly july to august). To top it all off, apparently its nice and potent and yields are huge for autoflowers, somewhere like 100-300g per plant.

Link: http://www.drgreenthumb.com/cannabis_seeds_GreenthumbSeedsEntrance.htm

Its called Iranian Auto Flower.

Here is also some autoblueberry. It is apparently also good for outdoor (reading from the description) and takes only 10 weeks from seed to harvest.

Link: http://www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com/products/dutch-passion-autoblueberry

AutoMaria: Doesnt say much, 8-10 weeks to harvest and up to 350g per plant.
Link: http://www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com/products/paradise-automaria

NumberOne: Apparently 100-200g per plant(outdoor).
Link: http://www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com/products/flash-number-one

SnowRyder: http://www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com/products/white-label-snow-ryder Apparently looks like it can be planted early spring, good yield too.

Basically, I'm asking for suggestions for strains that are good for BC's climate. Something someone can recommend that has high yields, is potent, and hardy!

3. The area I'd be planting in does have alot of deer. I've read that burying bottles full of piss part way keeps animals away. Is that true?

4. About how often would I need to visit my plants to water and give basic care? This is assuming I use a good, absorbent soil.

5. Would it be OK if I used water from a marshy area? Or should I use fast running water like from a stream?

6. I'm planning on planting my seeds directly in the ground (after germinating of course). I'm not planning on growing them inside to a certain height or anything. Planning on straight into the ground. Just want to confirm this is OK.

Anyways, thats all for now. Sorry if these questions seem stupid, but we all gotta start somewhere I guess. And if you have anything to add (tips, criticism, etc) please do!
1. you plant in the ground after the last frost, search for "last frost charts) May sounds right. Depends where your at.

2. Auto are very easy to grow an would recomend the Iranian auto. Im going to grow it or DrGTs iranian autos this year.
They yield sooo much more than the others.
Vegg the IA to 2-3 ft then put outside, 2 monthes later 1/4 to a pound of bud.
The automaria ive tried, an loved, but the Iran should out yield it. It only got 2 ft tall an a half oz. (but they just released an Automaira 2? )

3. Every thing I read outdoor about keeping animals away failed me.
I tried Piss, cat shit, dog shit, my shit, fox piss, human hair. mothballs, perfume and more. Half the time they would eat the deterant an my plant.

Only 3 things worked for me here-
Deer an rabbit repelleat spary with putrid egg kinda worked (some got eaten.)
And 1/4 inch square cages around the plant, an under the plant to protect em from burrowing animals.
And planting in the trees in a new paint bucket, animals an bugs didnt mess with em?

4. Youll have to water alot in summer, 2 gal a day here unless you help hold the water in the ground.
But if you mulch the top soil to hold the water in that helps alot.
I pull a 1 ft stake an deep root water the roots, an put the stake back. To avoid evaportation.
Then i use Zeba Moisture absorbing gell to hold the water down in the rooots.
Using this i water 1 gallon-once a week when its cool, And twice a week when its hot

5 the stream water would be better.
6 When starting out side use a cut in half 2 liter as a green house to keep humidity up an temps even.
The iranian s yeild more when veged indoor an put outdoor, but it should be fine.

Check out the Guerilla grower on U-tube ,hes a NINJA

Thanks man, really appreciate those answers, it basically answered all my questions. Regarding number 6, how long should I keep the plant in the makeshift greenhouse? Or should I just keep it in there until it simply outgrows it and needs to be removed? Also, should I only use clear plastic 2L bottles or can I use green ones too? I'm assuming only clear ones since they let more sunlight through, but just curious :P

Anyways, like I said thanks for all the help man and I'm going to watch those videos as soon as I get home.
