Going out of town, how do i water?

I am going out of town for ten days. I usually water the plants every 3 days or so right now. Can I setup some kind of drip or does anyone have a suggestion? They are in their fifth week of flowering.


Active Member
I'm assuming you're using soil since hydro users use timers to feed. Drip feed might work, but the timing would have to be perfect or you could do some serious damage. A most trustworthy friend/relative is ideal :(


I would just go out and build a drip system anyway so your not breaking your back watering them all the time. You can find tons of info on how to make them cheap online. Good luck


Active Member
Friend or Fam to help you out, screw drips...I just don't trust that. Timers for my lights is as far as I'll go letting technology handling my grow.