Going organic Aye?


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieGoing organic Aye?bongsmilie

Hello Boriboi signing in once again….Recent finds at the local Walmart and grocery store has made me want to go organic. If you haven’t seen the new products by Organic Choice Miracle Grow brand, this is my fist time discovering them, to my discovery they now sell All Purpose, Bone & Blood Meal’s the NPK values look pretty decent, doing some further research on the net I dug in and I’m feelin’ the products I say this because most organic nutrients have some many additives to just complete the package to get bud… So this is my ideal of a tea/feeding program
For my boost tea/concentration Grandma’s Molasses Robust
For my vegetative tea/concentration I will probably use a mixer of All Purpose & Blood meal
For my budding tea/concentration I will probably use a mixer of All Purpose & Bone meal
I also came across Green Light Organic Super Bloom its soluble and cheap also

Tablespoon and Half Teaspoon measurements which would be half strength...

In conclusion I would like to say I'm ready to hop on the organic train!!!

Please Comment!!!!!

this is a Hypotheses not yet tested & It took me some hours to write and create so ENJOY!!!!!!

