Goin on about a month PICS


Well-Known Member
For 1 month old plants they look very bad.
Probably due not enough light, small pots, possibly shitty soil...


Well-Known Member
What kind of pots are those growing in? How close are your lights? They look a little spindly to me but im no expert,however I can say those look a little wonky for the month mark.


Active Member
dude please get a bigger pot.
also, you need to lower the lights,
if your not already using fert, go for it now.


Well-Known Member
Those look like peat pots annd there are no nuts in peat pots.
Get some good dirt or go Hydro....
Lights need to be 1 1/2 inch from the plants.
Go buy about 200 watts of CFLs and fire them up!
Starting with good soil means alot... I don't know specifics on lumens, but I know about 150 to 200 watts of fluoros or cfls will do wonders...keep the plant within an inch or two...

Nice Plant Davick

Heres my monthling from bagseed...



Well-Known Member
Those are really small. They are still in the seedling phase when the should be showing pre-flowers in as little as a week (indicas). Not nearly enough light. Mine are 35 days old and are around 12 inches tall, 10 branches, and main stems about as thick as a pinky. Plants need 8000-1000 lumens in a 5000-5500k spetrum during veg. If your using floros and they are more than 8 inches away from your plants you might as well be using candles. Get a proper light and start from scratch or if you don't have the money drop the floros to an inch away the tops of the plants and cross your fingers. At this point though your odds of getting anything other than a handful of light airy headache inducing buds are pretty low.


Well-Known Member
How are these looking?? should a be worried about brown tips on some of the biggest ones leaves?? Any advice is appreciated. There is 4 lights each putting out about 1750 lumens if thats important.

Are you using bagseed or named strains? I just checked my White widow grow journal and found those were being topped at a little less than a month from germination and the height was around 6 inches post topping. It's now 11 days later and they have doubled in height.