I am conflicted between a good conscious, go green, energy star system and a bada$$ top notch rdwc-waterfall diagonal halfpipe closet scrog.

I have two plans, one combines gravity and the lowest wattage pump necessary to pump 80-120 gph into each bucket to complete a full recirculating waterfall system. The other has a 750+ gph danner mag drive inline pump, check valves, venturi system, pressure gauges, AND air pumps with nano bubbles to complete the same waterfall system. Both systems use two 5-13+ gal. containers respectively, with 1 plant each, and a reservoir tank twice the size 2-4 ft. away. Also, both systems use some sort of area maximizing scrog layout, and receive optimal indoor lighting, all grown by a legendary grow master. Disregarding HID vs LED, environmental factors, etc., which system would yield more per the $$ increase in utility bills? Any ideas on overhead tanks, vertical pipe feeds, suction/discharge pressure, green design layout (like an infinite feed loop that violates the laws of thermodynamics, if the heat engine did then… who knows ‍♂️), etc.? Thanks!
please disregard my first reply. Obviously growing it organically outside would be the most efficient way of growing, but some people don’t want to or they literally can’t. I thought I was pretty straightforward with my original post/questions. I’m just talking about the Hydroponics system, not anything else. Just buckets, bubbles and pipes and electricity lol and yield