Gnatrol WDG follow up.


Active Member
Yesterday i gave my girls a drenching of Gnatrol in hopes of getting rid of the nasty gnats. Info about gnatrol on the web is kinda inconsistent, different people and different places that sell gnatrol all seem to have there own instructions. My question for the forums Gnatrol users is this: is there a need to flush with plain water after the drench? Also, what amount are you all mixing with a gallon of water? So many different recipes out there, i ended up going with 3 teaspoons per gallon of water at a ph of 6.5 for a heavy infestation.


Well-Known Member
is there a need to flush with plain water after the drench?
Also, what amount are you all mixing with a gallon of water?
1.2 - 1.9 grams per gallon is the rate

Do the pH adjustment after adding the gnatrol as it can change it a little bit.

Use it every watering for a few weeks as it takes time. It wont kill adults, it works on the larvae so it takes time. Once you have the gnats gone then use the gantrol once a week as a preventative.


Well-Known Member
I have found that a tablespoon per 5 gallon bucket is very close to the max rate of 1.9


Active Member
I've seen a definite drop in gnats so the Gnatrol seems to be working. When you guys mix nutes and Gnatrol together has anybody found that lowering or raising the nute strength makes a difference at all?


Well-Known Member
When you guys mix nutes and Gnatrol together has anybody found that lowering or raising the nute strength makes a difference at all?
I have not messed with my feed when adding the gnatrol. I do notice the gnatrol drops the pH a little. Treating the gnats with gnatrol is a long term solution as it takes time to really have effect and then you need to stay on it. After the first few weeks when I see the population has dropped a LOT I start using the gnatrol at 1/2 strength every watering OR at full strength every other watering. This keeps the situation under control without using as much product.