Glossy silver shiny leaves

I just started a new grow in a new location. This isn't my first grow, but I have not encountered this issue before - any help would be much appreciated. The leaves have shiny silver trails all over them, as seen in the images attached. It's not powdery mildew, I can't wipe it off. I have encountered mites on other grows, and have been observing the plants several times a day. I cannot detect any of the telltale signs of mites (webs, bastards on the underside of the leaves).

I thought it may be thrips, but I have yet to observe a single insect on my various attempts. I decided to treat with a neem oil spray to be safe, and the plants are still developing these issues on their leaves. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

The plants are in a Ocean Forest / Happy Frog mix with added pearlite, feeding Advanced Nutrients - the leaf shown is being fed 2-3ML of Mother Earth Grow per 2 liter of PHd 6.5 water. This problem is occurring across all of my plants, including my bloom (Mother Earth Bloom, Big Bud, Nirvana).



Well-Known Member
Kinda looks like thrips. They are hard to find sometimes, they're fast as he'll, by the time you turn the leaf over to look for them they've run off already. I'm no expert so I would seek more opinions. If it is thrips Monterey with spinosad is the trick. Spray the hell out of them 3x, every 3 to 5 days.