Giving up on “hygiene”

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
So I pollinated my outdoor females with an outdoor male this year, rather than selectively sprinkling pollen. Why? Because I am drunk and lazy.

But my laziness on the front end is causing me way more work on the back end, because I got so much seed I could basically survive by eating it.

I am done with “hygiene” with seed — I can’t spend 8 million hours making sure they have no flower on them. But does it matter?

My question is: Does it matter at all if I store the seed mixed in with shake and immature seed, like the mass pictured below? I see no reason why it would, but maybe I am missing something.

The process of getting it down to mature seeds with no other gunk would last me a lifetime probably. I have no idea why having some shake and immature would would matter.image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here's a local seed cleaning or separation technique we use.

Get a magazine with a non glossy cover, or even better, an A4 or letter page size envelope.

Hold it in the middle of the bottom on the short side with your thumb on top, and your other fingers underneath.

Press down with your thumb and bend the centre down to make a valley up the length of the page.

Now, from the bottom, with your other hand thumb, push the seeds up the centre of the valley and as you get towards the top, up the side of the valley facing away from you.

The seeds should roll downhill ... down the side ... and down the valley to rest up by your thumb ... because they are round ...

The scraps of weed should stay near the top ... because they are grippier on the paper.

Keep on doing that same motion.

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Back in the day, when we bought cheap nasty seeded weed, this was the only way to clean it.

After a bit of practice, it becomes a pretty efficient technique.


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Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
Go to a hardware store and buy a correct size screen or perhaps a colander. Looks like lots of healthy seeds for you.. What strain are they?
Thanks, they are my own strain I have been working on. I call it Quinorella:
Parent is Pinoquin (also my own cross) which is OPN with Harle Tsu
Other parent is Cinenoir (also my own cross) which is Cinex crossed with OPN

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
Also you can send me all your seeds. I’ll siev them and send you the gunk and “most” of your seeds back :cool:
I’m actually cool with that but I am sketchy about using the mail. If you’re in Oregon I can just give you the weed and you can just save the seed for me. I am not kidding. We should all figure out a way to make that workable. You can keep all the weed or seed you want, just give me some back — it would be like a seed processing fee. But I ain’t using the mail.

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
You've just reminded me, I found a seed the other day all nice and stripey rubbed it in a towel to clean the crap off it and it went plain brown colour, I was like WTF
Yea I don’t get that shit either. I have had the same shit happen. I hope it doesn’t mean the seed is less viable. Good point tho — anyone know why that happens!