Give these cuttings anither week?


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Hiya, I had a fish tank and a piece of Tupperware and I was high... I made a little bubbler, and took cuttings. Alive and fairly happy for a week under a 20w blurple, the ones from my GFK are starting to yellow on the edges of the leaves.

Should I keep them going, or try again with nutes added to the mix? My root gel will be here soon.
Would they benefit from a tiny dose of nutes?
When I clone veggies they usually do not need nutes while rooting...

Well, thanks for your time.
Leave them going. A week isnt that long, and the yellowing is likely from them using nutrients to start actually forming roots for you now.
Leave them going. A week isnt that long, and the yellowing is likely from them using nutrients to start actually forming roots for you now.
Thank you! I will leave them in their box and keep them going. I hope you're right about roots soon! I wanna chuck some pollen :] Have a wonderful day.