Girlfriend asked me to grow a unique flower (any ideas?)


Well-Known Member
Basically she wants a really cool and unique (beautiful in her words) that you can't find and the typical store. Anyone have any ideas?

I asked her what was wrong with weed and she didn't want that in her room. psh

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
grow some poppy! ;)

She won't know what poppy is.. or shouldn't anyhow.

Plus, there are a TON of different species of poppy plants.. plus.. if you know how to do it.. you can extract/make morphine and or heroin with them.

I wouldn't suggest that.. but as far as a very rare plant.. that's what I would do.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
haha im actually growing some poppy right now actually, i just planted the seeds on the 18th but i didn't plant them for the extracting purposes even though i knew it could be done. I just thought they are a cool and only like $1.50

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I cant grow poppy Cuz of legal thing right now but I am growing bromlelaids and orchids I got at lowes for like 10 bucks each. Kinda pricey but you can get into it. Girls love those and when you get good you can divide them and make more. I am using a two liter bottle ebb and flow I built for pot once and it is inside my living room window. I am even getting so into making it work that I am about to buy a 4 foot 2 bulb t5. I use gh lucas formula and ph is cool. I am going to add a 2x4 tray soon and also some basil and rosmary cuz that is cool :)


Well-Known Member
I was just looking around online and found Fritillaria, Aurora and her favorite color is orange.
since those are kinda akwardly tall and skinny ill probably put some type of coleus around the base

I actually just bought a light from lowes and saw some orchids there and was going to get one but wanted to wait till i have settled in.
Also I enjoy growing from seed for some reason haha


Well-Known Member
I cant grow poppy Cuz of legal thing right now but I am growing bromlelaids and orchids I got at lowes for like 10 bucks each. Kinda pricey but you can get into it. Girls love those...
You are correct! I am a girl and I love orchids, I'm actually growing some right now in my greenhouse with my tomatos and sativa dominants :)


Active Member
Yeah my wife loves orchids-- can't go wrong with those. I saw some rather unusual ones at lowes last week. They use an entirely different soil medium-- it mostly bark. There are also a ton of varieties of hibiscus that have large colorful flowers-- more of an outdoors plant though.


Well-Known Member
I ended up going to lowes and getting a orchid that was really tight. also stopped by my mom's and stole a few coleus

anyways i saw pitcher plants and venus fly traps there for 10$ each. I think the pitcher one may eventually be cooler not sure


Active Member
Quick heads up with pitcher plants Grandaddy-- they always need to be kept moist and watered with rain water, or distilled water. If you use tap water, you'll likely kill it-- too many other chems. I made that mistake, and couldn't figure out why they kept looking so drab and dying. They're pretty cool though. Cheers bud.


Active Member
orchids or i dont know the name but theres this flower that grows on madagascar and it blooms everyday. seen it on planet earth. very cool


Well-Known Member
I say this with an unblemished record of heterosexuality, but I love the smell of lilacs. And roses too, haha. Although they aren't exactly unique or unusual and I don't think they are really made for the indoors. They might have small indoors breeds of roses, but lilacs are rather large bushes, can't see them growing indoors.

I like the poppy idea. There is nothing illegal about growing them, unless if maybe you were on probation and the PO had some problem with it. The only way they can bust you is if they can somehow prove you intend or intended to use them to make morphine or whatever, which I've never heard of happening. If it was illegal, about a dozen old ladies in my town would be in the pokey right now, haha.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Yeah my wife loves orchids-- can't go wrong with those. I saw some rather unusual ones at lowes last week. They use an entirely different soil medium-- it mostly bark. There are also a ton of varieties of hibiscus that have large colorful flowers-- more of an outdoors plant though.
Here's a Hibiscus with interesting leaves.... Probably she wont like the foilage since it looks like cannabis... but the flowers look like Hibiscus.

Heres an interesting one, but she might not like it. It doesnt hardly ever show up in stores... so it fits that criteria.

Passion flower is a unique flower, not too common in stores. And if it fruits... that would be a huge hit.