Gibberellic Acid questions


Active Member
Ok so let me start with a short story on why i am asking this. It all started with my little sister taking a college class on horticulture or botany or something. she learns about the stuff called Gibberellic Acid say you gotta try it i promise it will really help your shit. so i ignore her but then she keeps hounding me saying you gotta try this shit im tellin you its gunna make your buds alot larger and better.

So i say fuck it just order the damn shit ill try it out for fucks sake. any ways the shit comes in the mail i have 3 grams in powdered form. the shit didn't come with any directions so i started doing some research and from what im readin it says that it helps with germinating and doesn't really do 2 much for cannabis. Well i don't do any germinating i cut clones every 2 weeks SOG setup. Any ways so i already got the shit and paid for it i should have done research before i bought it but i didn't so i was wondering...

1. One is there any one who has used it on cannabis and noticed any better results (more yeild etc.)?

2. Unless someone says other wise im probably gunna experiment with it on a few plants just for fun since i already paid for the shit so i understand you mix it with water and spray it on the plant.

Well this shit didn't come with instructions at all so i would like to know what would be a good ratio to try? example 1/2 gram to 1000 ml or something like that i dunno

3. I read that it should be applyed at about 23 days into flowering is that correct?

The way i see it every cannabis strain is different and ya never know it might not hurt to just try on a few maybe it will have good results... thanks so much


Well-Known Member
I have read that if you spray Gibberellic Acid in concentrated form right at the node, the plant will grow a secondary shoot that will be male.

Basically turning your plant hermaphrodite in a very precise, concentrated location. I guess the point being that you can control your seed/ polination production easily.

Never actually tried it though :)