Ghost Stories


I believe in them and want to hear yours

heres mine- gives me goosebumps every time I tell it

Went on a vacation in 8th grade for a week during spring break to a Log cabin with 3 families and 4 kids total; me, my best friend at the time and his girl cousin and her friend. They were sophomores at the time. Was just me, my friend and his mom the first 2 nights. His dad, and the other 2 families came on the 3rd day. Thats when shit went down.

My friend and I were on the couches in the basement and 20 minutes into trying to fall asleep, the 2 girls scream, come running out of their room in the basement telling us their bag was dragged across the floor by nothing.

We called them crazy but let them sleep out with us. 20 minutes into trying to fall asleep, a ping pong ball bounced across the floor.

Super freaked out, we played video games and watched tv for the next half hour, finally calmed down and tried to go back to sleep but left the lights on. Now a foosball hits the marble floor as if it was thrown. I will never forget that sound.

One of the girls is now crying so we wake up my friends mom who was sleeping in another room in the basement. We tell her the whole story and she calls us crazy. We go to show her the room where the bag was dragged and as we walk into the room another ping pong ball dropped out of thin air in the main area. It was sitting on top of our blankets where we were sleeping. Now we wake up the whole house.

Angered that they were woken up, the adults just investigated while us four kids literally shook in fear. Finally the last ping pong ball drops and we all run upstairs.

We had planned to stay another night but left the next day.


Well-Known Member
Why can't ghosts be real? I don't really have any stories about ghosts but I think they're PROBABLY real on some level. I don't think they're out to get anyone though. IMO.