ghetto frist grow

hello, this is my frist grow and i thought i would post it here. soo here we go i have a box covered in shiny tape one 100 watt cfl, a intake fan, (no outtake yet) temps stay at about 80 plant is about 4 days old (hoping it turns out to be a female :) ) light cycle is 18/6
:weed: grow box.jpgImage.jpg
added 2 more cfls today. temps still good with 3 in there. plant 1 (bigger one) on day 5 doing good. plant # 2 just planted moved plant 1 to a bigger pot too :) pics are up there ^^


Well-Known Member
hey man is that foil you have on the wall? if it is take it off and just paint your walls white, second next time use a cup or a smaller pot to start off seeds ,it may be a male then u wasted all that space and soil for nothing, second it will take forever for the root structure to grow in such a large area, thats the only two things i would recommend other than that good luck man!
ur set up is lookin nice bro. u have more than enough light for thoes two plants just water everyday when u wake up and go to sleep they will grow right before your eyes :)
@ mike. Naw man its not foil. Its that tape that you put on ac ducts I think. I had it laying around soo I used it lol. I started it off in a little cup/bowl thing/then saw the roots at the bottom coiling up so I put a bigger pot. But thanks for the tips :) ill keep them in mind. Thanks for ur input. Do my plants look like there on track to u tho?


Well-Known Member
ur set up is lookin nice bro. u have more than enough light for thoes two plants just water everyday when u wake up and go to sleep they will grow right before your eyes :)

It is looking nice, but you will need, or at least if I was you, I'd get more lights to flower. Also, don't water everyday, only when they're thirsty you want them to have somewhat of wet/dry cycles...not bone dry.
Thanks machnak. How meny more lights would u think I would need? And yea I hear ya bout the watering I only water when they need it (don't want my baby roting lol)


Well-Known Member
Definitely not, your pot should have some good drainage wholes so you'll be fine.

I would get as many as it took to light the entire plant. If you get at least one new light every week or two until you flower I think that would be ok.

More lights, more yield.
Mmhmm. More light more yield. Time to put the fucking sun in there then haha. When should I start flowering? and I think imma lst this one. Cuz one space and two u get more yield right?


Well-Known Member
Ideally the sun is perfect. :-) But that's what we're trying to mimic indoors...right? :-) It's all really up to you, depends on many factors, your grow conditions, your strain, etc. I am at 28 days in Veg and plan on going another two or three weeks. But it's up to you. Remember once you switch to 12/12 your babies will double to triple in size. Your scenario, LST would be very very beneficial.


Well-Known Member
do you evean no the sex? and ya take that tape off and use mylar or white paint, the best way to tell when to water is waite till one of your pots is dry pick it up and feel the weight of it this is what you judge by if it needs to be watered,or the way i do it is i can tell by the leaves starting to droop a lil i know there getting thirsty. also when you water make sure the soil around the edge of the pots is packed down because when you water it can go through the open crack along side of the pots and wont get to the roots,after you do that water till you see water come out the bottom,i usally let it try to drink as much as they can then i come back in a hour or so and dump the excess water
do you evean no the sex? and ya take that tape off and use mylar or white paint, the best way to tell when to water is waite till one of your pots is dry pick it up and feel the weight of it this is what you judge by if it needs to be watered,or the way i do it is i can tell by the leaves starting to droop a lil i know there getting thirsty. also when you water make sure the soil around the edge of the pots is packed down because when you water it can go through the open crack along side of the pots and wont get to the roots,after you do that water till you see water come out the bottom,i usally let it try to drink as much as they can then i come back in a hour or so and dump the excess water
No I don't know the sex. Its too young. But I have a felling its a girl :) ill take the tape off after this grow. Let's just say it doesn't come off easy lol. Thanks for the watering tips
sorry i hanvt been on here in FOREVER (been busy). but just a quick update on what happened on this grow. the plant turned out to be a damn male >:(, oh well, better luck next time i guess :)