Getting the airstone to stay


I'm having no luck getting my airstick to stay at the bottom of the bucket with the included suction cups. Any suggestions? I got a 6" airstone for the other bucket and it has weight to it so it just sinks down however it's not as porous as the airstick.


Active Member
the airsticks suck. They plug up quick and you have to poke holes in them. Get a fine pore stone if you can or just use the 6" like you have in the other.


Well-Known Member
"stay airstone, stay!"

"good boy!"

cant you just put something to weigh it down? something sorta half donut shaped lol


perhaps a spot of aquarium fit silicone to fix the airstone into place (though you need to dry everything out first)=


Well-Known Member
The next time you're at a hydro store look for a heavy, gray cylindrical stone about two inches in diameter and about five or six inches long. I too had trouble with the air sticks and went to these. They're only a little more expensive and they 'sink like a stone.' No pun intended. HSA