Getting TGA gear in Maine.


Subcool, Thank you for all that you do for the medical community. I have noticed your kind nature of gifting to those in need of meds and seeds. This had led me to want to do the same by giving clones and seeds to local patients in need. I am a patient myself as well as my wife. So I understand the need for good meds. I did notice awhile back that a seed co. here in Maine wanted to sell your seeds and then I never herd of them again. It maybe for the fact that Maine doesn't have any protection for any such stores at the time. Were trying to change that now. So in the mean time we have to share genectics with each other. That brings me to this. I have purchesed some TGA gear from the TUDE, Pandoras box and got the freebies Dairy queen and Chernobyl back in July. I'm going to be giving away cuttings to local patients. We are at around the 43rd deg. longitude. line. Will Pandoras box, Dairy queen and Chernobyl finish outdoors by October first? Or should I just play it safe and tell the patients to keep them indoors? I don't do want to misguide them into thinking they will all be good to grow outside. Also thanks for leading me to this site through the weed nerd.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Hey Chad,

If you've grown outdoors in Maine before you already understand the challenges here w/ the wet fall season and the early frosts we get some seasons. I cant give you any help on specific strains from Sub, I do have Querkle and Plushberry seedlings going though in preparation for this upcoming season :-)

Id tell those patients to put a few outside and keep a few inside just in case of that dreaded early frost or a wet fall induced problem w/ bud rot. Most of the people I know had bud rot issues last year. Anyone that tells you that our climate cant grow beastly plants outdoors is ill informed. I start them indoors, top them into little bushes and put them out mid May. Pulled last season during that 5 day stretch of rain last week of September.
Being able to get out to the plants to shake off rain water is a big plus in the early fall.

Took this pic looking up at the tops of a plant, pic was taken third week of August I think.


Well-Known Member
outdoor is easy in just don't start your plants outside! Start them in march...indoors...and transplant them out in May :D


Thanks for the responses. I've grown outdoors for a few years. Bud rot sucks. I had it bad the year before last. I'm trying to find out what might finish before Oct 1st. And be mold and rot free. I was thinking Chernobyl would be good for this. But not sure on the Pandoras box or Dairy Queen.