Getting some purp through Las Vegas Airport?


Well-Known Member
Sup peeps, i gotta serious problem. I'm on my way to Vegas next week and I'm trying to get through with about 1/8 to 1/4 worth the finest purple haze in the area. I was gonna BALL IT!! And make it through but my boi just told me that many airports have fan blowers that blow air on you from every angle and detect if there is any odor coming off you. I've heard about these but I'm not for sure if Vegas Airport has them. I know where I'm flying out doesn't have anything like that so I'm not worried about that but if Vegas has them I'm fucked. Does anyone have any alternatives??? I know this is serious and I may just buy somke sticky when I get there but I don't wanna be that guy going around the whole trip looking and asking for some sticky.


Well-Known Member
get it as tight as a roll you can and stick it in the ole dumper ... (in your ass) that is one SURE way you wont get caught


Well-Known Member
get it as tight as a roll you can and stick it in the ole dumper ... (in your ass) that is one SURE way you wont get caught
LMAO!!! Man korvette that is a sure way to get it over I just don't think that'll be possible. I mean imma pretty big guy. But what if I just spread my ass and just put it in between my ass cheeks (no homo). Cause I really don't see anything going in my ass bro I'm sorry. You don't think just ballin it with some dryer fabric softener strips would do the trick?Thanx for the reply!!! Man this is gonna be a super silly thread


Well-Known Member
Man,im not trying to insult you at all but what the fuk are you thinking,weigh the odds here,sure there is a good chance you'll get through security & be puffing great herb but look at the flip side,what happens should you get caught.

For me personally there would have to be a very large dollar value attached to the end of that mission for it to be worth the risk,spend a few minutes thinking about everything the government will do to you should you get caught, in an airport no less,you will make the 6 o-clock news & all the papers should you get caught,the prosecuter will be as hard as possible on you because of the headlines & news coverage,busts at airports are a big story.

Weigh those circumstances against the value of a quarter oz.


Well-Known Member
The only way it won't get detected is you must keester it, but hey you will have the purps in Vegas!


Well-Known Member
Panhead, nothing by it bro. I've actually thought about the risk and yeah it is a HUGE risk but I know there is a way for it not to be detected. I may just keester the shit and tie a string to it for easy removal. Plz anyone tell me they've done this before and I'm not the only one about to attempt this stunt? Can anyone tell me that's visited and found have any kind of sticky over there that I may get my hands on? That may be my only other alternative.


Well-Known Member
Place in a baggie, place the baggy in a condom, and tie string around after making a knot in the end... And a tip for ya use lube even if its the cheap walmart shit.


Well-Known Member
if you have someone there you can mail it... I have done that before..... freind was in company rented apt... prolly risky as well but worked for me .. of course no return addy


Well-Known Member
or general delivery it to the P.O.
There must be lots of homeless folks there getting mail this way every day (but Sunday)

Just don't open the package for a couple of hours afterwards so you can claim you didn't know. Don't take it with you the first time you leave your lodging.
Keep your prints off of the unsent package (and out of). Mail to:
Your name
c/o general delivery
City, State, Zip

You'll likely need an I.D.? You might wanna dress down when you go to retrieve it.
Maybe mail it from the town next door or, better yet, have a friend mail it, preferably without any knowledge of the contents.

You couldn't make me an offer that would entice me to try the airport thing . . . maybe per-911, but never now. Freedoms stronger than dope.
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Well-Known Member
I sent it to my friends apt, which was a short term kinda place.. kinda place company's put you up in when they hire you for a say 3 month job.. Correct address and the name was raul duke. a reference to hunter s thompson... with no return addy no solid evidence if there where to be a problem.. mail delivered by room number not address name. Not likely to work for you but maybe if you can get a room number ahead of time if you are in a hotel..
or ya could just shove it up the ole ass....


Well-Known Member
Panhead, nothing by it bro. I've actually thought about the risk and yeah it is a HUGE risk but I know there is a way for it not to be detected. I may just keester the shit and tie a string to it for easy removal. Plz anyone tell me they've done this before and I'm not the only one about to attempt this stunt? Can anyone tell me that's visited and found have any kind of sticky over there that I may get my hands on? That may be my only other alternative.
I used that method when i was locked down for little shit,when it was important shit i swallowed the package,nothing that drinking a little Prell shampoo & warm water chaser wont bring right back up when the time is right.


Well-Known Member
I live in cali, and I have always balled it. Sometimes it's so stinky the flight attendants smelled it, and passengers. I didnt really give a shit. I need my meds, so I do what i gotta do. I have also put it in my luggage, of course nicely disguised. I will PM you another method just in case the alphabet boys are online.


Active Member
When I was living in Maine I knew a girl that got an ounce every month in the mail from her grower friend in Vermont. Stuffed in the middle of a jar of peanut butter, apparently it didn't let any smell escape, and it looks solid if it gets x-rayed or whatever they do. She had better weed than anyone else in town (that i knew, anyway) and swears by this method. good luck whatever you do