Getting Ready to Build :) : ) : )


Active Member
Alrighty then, the decision's been made to go with CFL's due to the fact that we're only growing 2 - 4 plants.

Right now, as I've posted before, we have our plants just under a 40Watt T12 I found laying around my house, under two End Tables placed together with a white sheet around entire thing, with a fan at the end giving even airflow.

My plant, on the left, has been growing quite well recently:

The leaf almost looks eaten in this picture but it's not, it's just kinda grown weird. How's it look to you guys? This is week 3 for the two plants on the left. They went in shock once so that's proabably why they're growing slow? They're growing fast now, and they are Sativa strain.

Anyway, We want to build a grow room, I've been looking at the rubbermaid setups, which look pretty cool, and other setups. Either way, the container needs certain things right?

Does it need airflow going in and airflow going out? Or does it only need an escaping airflow?

And We want to grow the best we can within a few hundred dollars, like 300. So how many CFL's do you suggest? I want CFL's surrounding the plant to get the best possible spread of light to the buds, top and bottom of the plant. do 23watts work well? 40 watt better?

Just looking for suggestions and personal comments from ya guys on different grow boxes and setups, things I'll need. And what do you think of the plant so far?


Active Member
Keep in mind I also have 2 other seeds in soil ready to pop out, and quite a few others germinating. So these aren't our only plants