Getting Mixed messages on what parts to use for bubble hash


Well-Known Member
I’m at the beginning of harvest, and one plant is down (it got stressed & was ready about 2-4 weeks before the others, so it got harvested today.) Due to an illness that gives me too much pain to sleep, I’ve been using hash to sleep. I got bubble hash bags awhile back, but my harvest turned out so bad last year, I didn’t have the nerve to make that much at once, so I’ve been making ISO hash.
Anyway, back to the future with fresh plants.......we/my husband (who doesn’t partake, but helps me) saw a video that seemed to show using a lot more of the plant than just buds & sugar leaves. You may have seen one on YouTube saying make hash with trashy (or something like that) weed, and they hold up a husband thinks it has all parts of the plant in it .....maybe not fan leaves or stalk, but non-sugar leaves....the ones that stick out of the buds but don’t really have trichomes. He says they have enough....... My problem i that if I try to make a batch like that & use 3+ ounces, and can NOT sleep because it isn’t strong enough, just saying “I told you so.” isn’t going to get back my medicine.
Does anyone know if you can make strong bubble hash with other leaves?
maybe we can at least quit arguing about the same subject we did last year, but didn’t get an answer to;)
Those leaves that stick out of the bud are sugar leaves, unless the strain was a very poor resin producer. They should have trichomes on them. Use anything with a good bit of visible trichomes. Not fan leaves. Do multiple washes for the best yield. Outcome depends on starting material. Edibles or tinctures are best for pain and sleep in my opinion.

Bubble bags are decent for dry sifting too, if you ever just want a quick bowl of hash. The 90 and 73 micron bags are good for a balance of yield and potency. Frozen material works best.
Those leaves that stick out of the bud are sugar leaves, unless the strain was a very poor resin producer. They should have trichomes on them. Use anything with a good bit of visible trichomes. Not fan leaves. Do multiple washes for the best yield. Outcome depends on starting material. Edibles or tinctures are best for pain and sleep in my opinion.

Bubble bags are decent for dry sifting too, if you ever just want a quick bowl of hash. The 90 and 73 micron bags are good for a balance of yield and potency. Frozen material works best.

Thanks, what you said about the sugar leaves is exactly my position on what to use and not others.... & thanks for the suggestions on the washes & bags.

I'm pre-diabetic, and can't eat edibles unless I can find a good recipe that has sugar substitute (besides candy-that's too hard). Before, when I could eat edibles and went to CO, and got some, they didn't seem strong enough to help me sleep, though. I'd use up to 5 a day for nausea, and I'd get a little sleepy by the end of the day, but that was it :weed:. The hash has worked wonders for me. I used to have to use antihistimine, combo extra pain pill, Xanax, muscle relaxer (not all at once!!!!!!!)....I'd have to rotate them because they would only work a day or two at most. I hated that. It's bad enough I have to take them during the day for all the pain, but now I don't have to take them at night.

Now, if I could find a strain that would help the pain. I've heard edibles and tinctures are good for that. I use tincture for nausea. I've tried 6 different strains now (I have to grow them). SO, this year, I have 2 more. I've heard mixing them helps, but I wouldn't know where to start, and since I can't go to a dispensary, I can't just keep trying different ones. .....oh well, keep on truckin' :D.

peace :peace: & hugs :hug:
All u need is

Grape seed or coconut oil
A pan, oven, or Instant pot like I use

And some electricity, that's kinda odvious

Oh...duuuuuuu and weed
I’d just like to chime in and say the Instapot is freaking awesome for decarbing and infusing with cannabis. I was looking for an alternative recently and started making caps with Coconut oil. There was a couple of good vids on YouTube.