Getting 2 Kittens: Should I keep them away from the Plants?


Active Member
Hey there everyone! I have decided to bring 2 little fuzzie bundles of joy into my life in the form of kittens.

I also have a nice grow closet going.

I know 2 things:

1. Kittens love to eat plants.
2. Marijuana isn't your typical plant.

So, should I go out of my way to keep the kittens out of the grow room or just let them roam it at their leisure? Frankly, as long as they're safe, I don't care if they eat a bunch of bottom leaves.

I also have the problem that the closet overheats if I don't keep the door open. I just installed a Metal Halide ballast alongside my LED fixture and florescents.

1. Is it safe to let kittens who potentially eat plant leaves roam freely about the marijuana closet?

2. What does it do to kittens? Is it toxic?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
They may very well treat them as play toys and break the main stalks. Keep them out. Cat hair does not make for good smoke. They could also carry pests/spores.

Bad idea all around.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Warning: Kittens may seem distant, hungry, and my enjoy music like pink floyd.. id keep them away man lol


Active Member
i just got three kittens about a month ago. i keep them out of the room just because they might be a pest carrier. but every time i go outside to the grow room they run to the door and wait for me to go in they love the room just as much as i do.


Active Member
Yes keep them away, the day i brought my clones home, my cat ate 2 of them, when I trim I toss my kitty the leaves and he munches them right up. HAHA


Well-Known Member
I seen my friends cat eat 6 clones then use his mother plants 5 gal pot as a litter box
its just best to keep them away


Well-Known Member
Funny story, I used to let 2 Iguanas hang out in my room sometimes, they loved the warm light from my HPS lamp. They also had themselves a nibble sometimes, but not enough to really hurt things, id only let em hang for a couple hours than id bring em outside.