Get this its free after all.....


Well-Known Member
Whether youre new to hydroponics or a seasoned veteran I would suggest to you get this free 80page catalogue it has every thing you could need in it and the best bit of all is its FREE.. and arrives on you door mat with in 2 days

The catalogue in question is from

Now im new to growing marijuana and need all the help and info I can get so if anyone else knows of any other sites that send out free catalogs or info on how to grow then please post you links here

But we all know the best place to find info is of course at Rollitup. :wink:


Well-Known Member
You don't want on mailing lists. Maybe I am being paranoid but that seems to be a way to get on the feds mailing list.


Well-Known Member
You don't want on mailing lists. Maybe I am being paranoid but that seems to be a way to get on the feds mailing list.
I never thought of it like that... and now thinking of it like that your right the least lists the better