Germination Tech's


Well-Known Member
I am looking for a better way to sprout the seeds this year. Last year I a terrible 80% germination and 30% success rate to flower. Most sprouted in paper towel and died in the soil. I was thinking mold or disease. I have a few ideas, I was thinking of aerating distilled water with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide for 24-36 hours. I am open to ideas.


New Member
man PLEASE boiy some rapid rooter plugs..Im not gonna lie,theyr more expensive than rockwool..but you can buy them at ebay...all you do is get some regular tap water,or RO water if you have it on hand..put the water in a cup( i prefer clewar since you can easily see the seeds inside) then drop your seeds in the water..leave the cup in a DARK,warm place..I place mine on top of my old cpu monitor...the next day,all of my seeds will be UNDERWATER, and no longer floating..this means the seeds already crachked,and the water went inside..if theyr still floating,thatmeans they still havent this point,I get my rapid rooters and soak them in pre phed water..around 5.5 to 6.0 ph is fine...leave these rapid rootyers in the same dark warm area you used one day,the seeds should already popped the I LOVE raopid rooters..already a few hpours after the seeds were in,roots WERE ALREADY COMING OUT THE BOTTOM!! Ive lost countless seeds in rockwool..and most of them rotted inside and never popped..but in my rapid rooter,they grew CRAZY Fast!!!


New Member
Just buy some jiffy 7 peat pellets at home depot or walmart for 5.00 for 25 and u get a dome too with them free. after you germ them, place them in the peat pellets.Dont add anything to ur water untill after 2 weeks then start w/ 1/4 strength veg nutes. While germing, DO NOT keep the towels too wet.. Just barely moist..And dont let them get too warm.. Ive had terrible luck trying to germ seeds in temps over 80f and with too much moisture. Also soak the seeds in regular tap water till they sink and then promptly place them in the p-towels and then to peat pellets.