Germination Slow?


Active Member
i posted this in another section of the forum with not much helpful response here are the details of my setup

DWC Hydro System 4 planter

Peat moss as a soil substitute

Hydroton as support and water retainment

2 2750 Lumens CFL @ 4 feet away (added closer to flower will be a UVB Bulb)

on a further note i keep the room around 75-80F

now for my big question orgonaly i germinated a seed in the paper tower method and it sprouted a root.. and i then transplanted into a peat moss pellet.. today i carfuly moved the peat moss aside till i found the seed about 1/2 inch down to find that the root had broken off from the seed.. so i have since removed it and replaced with a fresh seed.. now.. here we go in the other three spots have seeds that i just threw in the peat moss and they germinated on their own.. however its bee atleast 2 days probley more like 3 and they still havent poped up and i really need to know what would cause a seed to germinate but not pop up or does some plants just take several days to popup? also the origonal seed that i germ'd in paper towels was in the peat moss for atleast 5 days until i discovered that it had broken and removed it it also did not pop up do you think the seeds just arnt good enough or should i give it a bit more time.. i could post pics but my cam is deat right now.. i dont know if it would be any help in this situation though well any help is greatly appreicated im kinda stuck here its one thing for one seed to do something odd but for all three to do the same is odd



Well-Known Member
hmm. well i sure hate when i break off the taproots on seedlings. get some clear cups to put over the peat pellet, itll help keep it humid and warmer. once it breaks the surface and opens up it should be good. Some seeds grow fast, some grow slow, itss shitty but u gotta be patient


Active Member
how long should i separate watering for seedlings the peat moss holds water should i not water for 2-3 days at a time or should i water more often


Well-Known Member
If you are using cfls they should stay wet for a descent amount of time, especially if you keep the cups over them. Id say water when they look dry or feel light.