Germination nutrient solution question

Notice: NicePipedreams is a fictional character. All things said by NicePipeDreams are figments of your imagination.

Sitting here, just blazed some nice bubble and a bit of good shiny kind, and had a couple questions.:joint:
Skip to the bottom bold lettering for questions please, and thank you for helping, let me say. :mrgreen:

Anyway, I am helping a friend and we have a germination question. Lucas formula + koolbloom is proposed for flowering and just lucas formula for veg. Also have superthrive should an illness arise in the clones...
I'm going to let him write the rest:

Cloner is an aero cloner. I need to germinate SS chronic and SS white russian fems so I can develop a line of clones for aero SOG later on.

Using stinkbud's designs with minor modifications.

I was going to germinate into rockwool cubes, placed in cups over the aero cloner.
Then veg until large enough to begin cloning.

Here are my questions

1) Should I keep mother plants perpetually for the sole purpose of cloning?

2) or should, once vegetative growth is established, simply FIM top and take a clone off each veg every time I transfer to flower room?

3) MOST IMPORTANT: What strength of nutrients (if lucas too strong for seedlings) should I put in the reservoir for the newly germinated seedlings? How much nutes will be needed (strain is white russian if someone has specific experience, my WW from before was very hungry though) per gallon water?
I have GH grow and bloom. I could get something else if it's better.

IT's 2kw flower room. 400watt veg table (going to go higher soon) + flourescents on clones.

Flower and veg room are controlled as far as air temp, humidity, CO2 PPM, pH, nutrient concentration, water temperature (68 fahrenheit) and light at about 77 watts/square foot. Lights are cooled via sealed flow hoods sucked by 500cfm elicent. Room has AC and water cooler as well.
H20 is osmosis.
Nutes are