GERMINATION done the right way!


If you wish yo have a high success rate in germination than follow this tutorial. I did not make or create this process, I am just establishing it for newb growers who are looking for a simple step guide for germination.


Rockwool cubes
Cannabis Seeds
PH'ed water to 5.8
Germination Heating Mat with tray and 2" dome
Temperature Controller for heat mat/reservoir


Soak cubes in PH'ed water for an hour
When done take them out and give them a light squeeze to drain excess water.
Place seeds point up or down in the rockwool cubes about the seed's length down.
Place Heat Mat under tray and connect to Temp. controller and set to 78 deg. F. (This is the ideal temperature for cannabis seed germination)
Spread your cubes out on the tray evenly.
Add any rooting or germination chemicals to the bottom of the tray if you wish.
Apply the 2" dome to your tray.
Place in a dark place and wait for them to push through the surfice.
Once they come up, put them under CFL's.

With this method, I have never seen a seed not germinate successfully. If you dont like to cut corners or bullshit your growing, this is the way to go. Spend some money for the Materials listed above and you won't regret it. Happy growing =)
I also would like to share a method.

1: put seed in dirt
2: water


why does everything on this site have to be so godam complicated. if someone cant germinate a seed they probally shouldnt be growing anyways.
I also would like to share a method.

1: put seed in dirt
2: water


why does everything on this site have to be so godam complicated. if someone cant germinate a seed they probally shouldnt be growing anyways.

because at 5 pounds plus for each good qualty seed, you need to give every seeds the best chance, yes drop a pack of seeds in soil you could get 90% germinate.
in rock wall cubes ect you can get 100% with a bit of luck
I also would like to share a method.

1: put seed in dirt
2: water


why does everything on this site have to be so godam complicated. if someone cant germinate a seed they probally shouldnt be growing anyways.

some people have problems with it thats why. you dont got to be so ignorant. we are here to help others not be dicks to others.
If you wish yo have a high success rate in germination than follow this tutorial. I did not make or create this process, I am just establishing it for newb growers who are looking for a simple step guide for germination.


Rockwool cubes
Cannabis Seeds
PH'ed water to 5.8
Germination Heating Mat with tray and 2" dome
Temperature Controller for heat mat/reservoir


Soak cubes in PH'ed water for an hour
When done take them out and give them a light squeeze to drain excess water.
Place seeds point up or down in the rockwool cubes about the seed's length down.
Place Heat Mat under tray and connect to Temp. controller and set to 78 deg. F. (This is the ideal temperature for cannabis seed germination)
Spread your cubes out on the tray evenly.
Add any rooting or germination chemicals to the bottom of the tray if you wish.
Apply the 2" dome to your tray.
Place in a dark place and wait for them to push through the surfice.
Once they come up, put them under CFL's.

With this method, I have never seen a seed not germinate successfully. If you dont like to cut corners or bullshit your growing, this is the way to go. Spend some money for the Materials listed above and you won't regret it. Happy growing =)

very good guild
only one thing i would change
soak the cubes over night in ph 5.5 water
very good guild
only one thing i would change
soak the cubes over night in ph 5.5 water

N - Nitrogen
P - Phosphorus
K - Potassium
Ca - Calcium
Mg - Magnesium
Fe - Iron
B - Boron

Marijuana's Proper Hydroponic pH Range is from 5.5 to 6.1. At a pH of 5.5 to 5.7 your missing the nutrient availability of P and Mg. At a pH 5.9 to 6.0 your missing the nutrient availability of Ca. And at a pH of 6.1 your missing the nutrient availability of K, Ca, Fe and B.

At a pH of 5.8 - N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe and B are all available for consumption by the plant.
One critique:Grodan (makers of Rockwool) says not to squeeze cube but "flick of the wrist" or shake excess water out.Squeezing
breaks up air/water retension ratio of the spun rock fibers.
I also would like to share a method.

1: put seed in dirt
2: water


why does everything on this site have to be so godam complicated. if someone cant germinate a seed they probally shouldnt be growing anyways.

Um well not everyone uses dirt... plus just dropping in dirt takes like a week or more before they break surface. And a heat mat and a dome are very useful for for popping seeds even in dirt...
N - Nitrogen
P - Phosphorus
K - Potassium
Ca - Calcium
Mg - Magnesium
Fe - Iron
B - Boron

Marijuana's Proper Hydroponic pH Range is from 5.5 to 6.1. At a pH of 5.5 to 5.7 your missing the nutrient availability of P and Mg. At a pH 5.9 to 6.0 your missing the nutrient availability of Ca. And at a pH of 6.1 your missing the nutrient availability of K, Ca, Fe and B.

At a pH of 5.8 - N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe and B are all available for consumption by the plant.

but don"t you find that soaking the cubes over night will increase the ph level of the water
so let me get this straight.........

you put tha lime in tha coconut an' mix'm all put tha lime in tha coconut an' mix'm bote togetha.........