Germinating with hydrogen peroxide


Whats up guy's!!! First time posting here.. I was a member of OG for years (RIP) and I need a new place to hang out!! I just started germinating 3 diffrent strains useing the paper towel method...This time I used a few drops of HP to the water!!! I heard it's a good way to germ. I used 3% HP. Will this have a effect on the gemination? I heard about this from a friend and would like your opinion's!! I hope I didn't F*** my seeds up:roll: I will be growing Papaya,Master Kush And Northern lights in soil under 3k watts of HPS... I hope you guys will follow along!!! But for now, Are my seeds going to be okay? Been in paper towels and plastic bags for about 30 minutes. -Busa

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
huh..interesting. Never heard of it used before, but hydrogen peroxide mixed with water is used for a disinfecting quite a lot of things. It should probably be ok, from what I know about seeds, it is the moisture that awakens the seed, and the seed has it's own stored water supply to start new growth. But I don't know how it would affect the young roots out of the seed.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
well it might prevent damp off.

I just germed some seeds by soaking in tapwater overnight. Then i placed in rockwool and soaked with a tapwater solution that I added superthrive and 10 percent h202 too. They popped fine. Just kept `em warm.

3 percent is very week. Remeber that. I got a bottle of the 10 percent from bghydro for 10 bucks. I add a tsp a gallon or so once in a while. Or I go without. I am a very lazy hydro grower.