germinating seeds


hey just wondering what is the best method to germinating seeds, ive heard about the paper towel method and the shot glass method which is better? or do you have your own methods of germination that you dont mind sharing?


Well-Known Member
What I like to do is place the seeds overnight in a shot glass in a warm, dark location. Then when I wake up the next morning, I place them in a paper towel, also in a warm dark location for the day. In general, by the end of the day, the rap root will be showing and I then place them in a root cube.
I use 2 paper towels folded down to like a 5 x 5 square. The I get them damp and squeeze a little of the water out before I put my seeds in center. Then the paper towels with the seeds go into a plastic bag. I let them sit for a day or 2 in a dark place like a drawer. When I see a 1/2 - 1" taproot thats when I stick them into the rockwool or soil.

Smucker G

Active Member
I drop in a cup of water overnight. If they are healthy they sink. Once sunk I put in a wet paper towel and into a ziplock bag. 1-3 days later the tap is out and ready. I go right into soil filled party cups covered with plastic wrap.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
personally? This is IMHO opinion.. and through my 4 years of growing experience.. that the best method is as follows:

this is also my personal method that i use every time I grow.

Cguru's germination method:

1. First things first, testing the seed to make sure its a viable seed. To do this, you will need a glass jar/cup and of course your cannabis seed or seeds that your wanting to germinate.

2. Fill the jar/glass halfway with water. Grab your seed or seeds that your germinating and toss them into the jar/cup of water. Now, this is where it gets important.. because this is where you can cull out the bad seeds from the good/viable seeds. The viable/good seeds will sink (this process can take up to 24 hours) and the bad seeds will continue to float. Sinkers are good.. floaters are bad. Keep in mind though, its best to just drop the seeds into the glass/jar of water and let them sit in there and soak for a good solid 24 hours and then check on them. After the initial 24 hour soaking of the beans.. its time to check on them.. by this time, the seeds have had plenty of time to soak in the water.. and you should by now see which ones are viable and which ones are not viable. Remember, sinkers = viable and the floaters are the ones that are no good.. floater = bad seed/non-viable.

3. After the initial 24 hours of soaking.. and after you have culled out the bad seeds from the jar/glass of water, you need to let them sit for another 24 hours in the jar/cup of water. This second 24 hour period is when the seed will/should really start to swell up.. and by the end of this second 24 hour period.. the seed(s) should have cracked open and exposed the very tip end of its tap-root (notice - sometimes, even sinkers can fail and not germinate. Its' rare, but it does happen).

4. After the second 24 hour soaking period is done.. and you have a few seeds that have cracked open and showing their tap-roots, this is where you need to transfer the seeds that have cracked open and or showing the tip of its tap-root. You'll need a cotton cloth towel (like a little small wash-clothe) for this process. Get the cloth towel wet and then wring out some of the water content from the cotton towel. You don't want the towel soaking wet.. you just want it nice and damp. Now, simply take your seeds that have cracked open and transfer them into the damp cloth cotton towel. Gingerly (very gently) place each cracked open seed.. into the middle of the cloth cotton towel.. and then gently roll up the cloth towel like you would a newspaper.. and then place the cloth towel into a well ventilated but dark area for another 24 to 48 hours.. until you see the seeds tap-root get some length to it.

5. After the transfer to the cloth towel and after the 24-48 hours of germination in the cloth towel.. you'll want to open up the towel and check on them. Do this very very gently because you don't want to tear any roots or damage them. You should, by now.. see some growth in the tap-roots of each cracked seed. Keep in mind though.. some strains only take 2 to 3 days to fully germinate and be ready for planting... and then some strains can take up to 7 to even 14 days before they are done germinating and ready for planting. Once you notice that the tap-roots or tap-root (single seed) has emerged out enough (usually wait until you can see a good 1/4th of an inch of tap-root showing).. you can then go ahead and gently plant that seed.. putting the end of the tap-root into the soil first.

And that's that.. your done with germination.. and now have a seed in the ground/soil.



Active Member
Get a paper towel and a spray bottle. Fold the paper towel, spray, put the seeds down, spray, fold over again, spray. Keep in a dark area.

To test which seeds are good just give them a slight squeeze, if they don't pop they usually work well.

18/20 mystery bag seed germinated this way. 6/10 before that but it was my first time germinating seeds ever.

seed slaya

Active Member
i started my grow from seed and i used two different methods to see which worked best,
the paper towel method i never liked bcuz i always wanted to check on them n it drove me nuts lol, but none the less it works as long as you keep the moisture level high and their in the dark
the second method i used is i just dropped my seed directly into a peat pellot pot, worked just as well as the p.t method except i like it more because you have to handle the seed less, plus my plants grown directly in dirt germinated earlier. coincidence perhaps, either way good luck

happy shmokin,


Well-Known Member
I use 2 paper towels folded down to like a 5 x 5 square. The I get them damp and squeeze a little of the water out before I put my seeds in center. Then the paper towels with the seeds go into a plastic bag. I let them sit for a day or 2 in a dark place like a drawer. When I see a 1/2 - 1" taproot thats when I stick them into the rockwool or soil.
you can't fuck this method up i put mine on gas water heater and have half inch roots in 24-36 hours, soaking some seeds is not advised most seed banks will tell you this, older more un-reliable seeds you should soak though