Germinating seeds HELP



I have been germinating seeds in soil for a while to decent effect. I live in the UK and have them in a mini box greenhouse in my conservatory.

However, this time 5 out of 8 seeds didn't germinate.

The things I changed from my usual way is as below:

I used multipurpose compost not specialised seedling compost (mistake I know)
Planted them a bit deeper than usual as advised by a friend

My question is this:

With the seeds that haven't germinated can I get them out the soil and try them again in seedling soil and closer to the surface?

Or are they duds now they haven't germinated and useless.....?

Or is there a better way to get these seeds to germinate for me?

Thanks for any help and sorry if basic question


Well-Known Member
if the seeds haven't cracked you could try, put them between sheets of damp kitchen roll or plain toilet roll then place in a plastic bag so they dont dry out, when the tap root is say 5mm long transplant into unfertilized soil


Well-Known Member
Dampened paper towels in a plastic bag in a dark warm spot like a cabinet will work very well. If they arent cracked keep trying