germinating seed right off bud of live plant?


Well-Known Member
i just hacked down a seed crop of random strains 12/12 from seed, i put 5 seeds in the soil, will they grow? there kush seeds so if theres no point in trying i will dig up the seeds b4 they get waterlogged, im not sure if i should of let them dry a bit first

should i leave them or dig them up quick so they will still be viable?


Well-Known Member
yeah they need to dry out in a cardboard box or something for abuot two weeks. i have had some germ right off the bat though. on accident.


Well-Known Member
sometimes you need a month or two before the seeds will sprout. there is a chemical on the seed that keeps it in hibernation for a certain amount of time to make sure the plants don't sprout right after they drop in the winter.


Well-Known Member
Should be ok. I have seen a seedy plant that had gone a couple weeks over, after days of rain and mild temps a seed sprouted right in the bract on the growing plant.


Well-Known Member
thanks for everyones advice, i tryed drying them for 3-4 days then planted about 25-35 beans, it's been about 4-5 days and they havent split yet, they just went from brown to black, how long should i wait before theres no chance of them growing?